VPN connectiuon with Windows 7 Erratic
I have set up a VPN connection from my home Windows 7 professional to my Office. Often I will receive a message saying I am connected, but I cannot access a network drive. Sometimes though, I can connect straight away. I also cannot see other computers on the office network, only one folder. On Vista Ultimate I cannot get a connection at all.
February 18th, 2010 2:16pm

Hi, Here are some suggestions you can try: 1. Temporarily disable firewall on the Windows 7 machine and Office machine. 2. Modify relevant settings on Windows 7 machine. a. Click Start and open Control Panel. b. Open "Network and Sharing Center" and click "Advanced sharing settings". c. Expand the current network profile (such as "Home or Work"), and then select the following options: "Turn on Network Discovery", "Turn on file and printer sharing", "Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can read and write files in the Public folders", "Turn off password protected sharing" Then, please access the network drive again. If the symptom reoccurs, please write down the IP address of the network machine and run a Ping test, and then post the result here. Also, please collect the following log file for research. Collect the Netmon file ========================= a. Download NetMon3.3 from the following website and install it on the computer http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=983b941d-06cb-4658-b7f6-3088333d062f b. Launch NetMon3.3. c. In the Microsoft Network Monitor 3.3 window, click Create a new capture tab … d. In the new tab, select all the Network Adapters in the Select Networks window. e. Then, switch to Network Monitor, press F5 to start NetMon. f. Try to access the network drive. When it failed, go to step 7. g. Go back to the NetMon window and press F7 to stop the NetMon. h. Press Ctrl+S to save the Netmon file named test. Then please upload to SkyDrive (www.skydrive.live.com ) and share the link to me. Thanks, Novak
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February 23rd, 2010 11:08am

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