Validation of Windows 7 backup
I finally got used to Vista and Vista64 and actually found how to get vista ti not only map XP but I have more problems with Win7 home and Win7 Pro and as usual a miriad of poorly engineered and tested issues with questions - Windows backup I am backing up to SSD 180gb and although backup completes successfully it depicts in next window after backup therre will not be enough space when there is enough - So I have doubt about the first backup and I am asking to know if there are any validation method to verify if a backup can be examined for integrity and restore usability. Second question is why does the backup and restore indicate there isnt enough space for next backup when there is? Thanks
September 13th, 2010 1:36am

Have you tried the following:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 13th, 2010 10:54pm

1) Backing up to a SSD drive is a strange idea. You have a fast drive and use it for storing data? Why that? SSD drives are perfect for the OS itself, but wasted on low-interactivity purposes like backups. 2) You may consider that every backup needs a temporary storing space which may be bigger (depending from the types of backed-up files) than the final space after deleting the temporary storage. 3) Verification (not validation) of the backup integrity is included in Win 7 backup. 4) A message saying that your next backup won't be complete, means that there's no space for an additional system and files backup = only new/changed files will be added. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. (Thomas J. Watson, Sr.)
September 14th, 2010 12:46am

Do you always answer questions with questions? I didnt it simply to convert the boot partition from dynamic back to a simple partition and backing up anywhere even to a SSD is way to slow - so I will RE- ASK you my simple original question is there a tool or means to verify the validity of a backup as if you look on this same page same forum another guy is having problems restoring a reported good backup so I want to validate mine to avoid his issue. This is a lousy way to get support for a new OS a person just bought becasue it was released flawed and the verdor is missing in action for support of your purchase, would you not agree?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 14th, 2010 11:32am

I have to agree with Sanmartin here, using an SSD for backups is, well, a foolish way to use such a highspeed write/read hardware. What were thinking on that one, I mean where is the practicality? Also, regarding your second question, have you tried the following:
September 14th, 2010 6:50pm

I have to agree with Sanmartin here, using an SSD for backups is, well, a foolish way to use such a highspeed write/read hardware. What were thinking on that one, I mean where is the practicality? another critic - did you read my answer to san b4 you became a judgemental giver of opinion rather than ANY concise help? Well Brainiac - It is the fastest way to backup and restore that I have so whats your gripe? temporarily using it to change the boot partition from dynamic back to basic and restore which is friggin smart because it is the fastest way to do it - then should you agree to not speak about someones thinking looking stupid when you dont know why - feel free go help someone without acting like you know something and being a shythead insult before help to make yourself feel smart questioning seems isnt in your best interest so let me know how that works out for you - I would have never answered your email requests making presumptions and insults What were you thinking becuase if you dont know the answer prior to asking you might get slapped stupid... Also, regarding your second question, have you tried the following:' Rather than ask if someone has tried something and pasting a link why do you not consider giving feedback based on experience with steps that help. Oh you dont have any, go figure.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 14th, 2010 9:20pm

Try changing the disk to Dynamic Disks and see if the issue can be resolved: Change a Basic Disk into a Dynamic Disk What are basic and dynamic disks?Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
September 15th, 2010 3:12am

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