Very annoying black screen problem after SP1
This problem mis best described by the following video: It takes a full 2 minutes to switch users! I installed SP1 on my Windows 7 x6 installation and from the very beginning I had this problem. Logging on after the first boot was the first experience. I rebooted again and it didn't happen. I thought it was a one time fluke. It was NOT. It generally happens after I edit audio in Reaper or play a game but it seems to be more random than anything. I occasionally experience this problem when exiting a game as well. I uninstalled SP1. That didn't change anything. I thought it might be graphics related so I completely uninstalled the driver using DriverSweeper and reinstalled. It didn't happen for a day then, BAM! I updated to the latest AMD Catalyst 11.3 the other day and nothing changed. Through some reasearch, I found another possibilty that it could be Superfetch. The only thing that was showing up in the Event Viewer anywhere close to the times the problem occurred was an error involving Superfetch" "The Superfetch service terminated with the following error: The system cannot find the file specified." I disabled Superfetch. I went all day without experiencing the issue until this evening. I exited a game and had to wait a full minute and a half before I could use my PC again. I cannot find any info on this issue. I really do not want to reinstall Windows. Everything was workinf perfectly until I installed SP1. System specs: Asus P7P55D-Pro Core i7 860 8GB RAM Radeon 5870 Graphics OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD 1TB Seagate 7200.12 500GB Seagate 7200.11 HT Omega Striker 7.1 Sound Card Corsair HX750 PSU Windows 7 Home Premium x64
April 4th, 2011 3:59am

Hi, According to your description, the root cause should be related to the Superfetch service, have you tried SFC tool to see what the result is? How to use the System File Checker tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted system files on Windows Vista or on Windows 7 Also, you could navigate to the Prefetch folder (c:\windows\prefetch) and delete them, Windows 7 would rebuild the Prefetch at the next normal startup. Hope it helps. Alex ZhaoPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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April 6th, 2011 6:10am

Thank you for the reply but I still have the issue. SFC found no problems. I deleted the superfetch folder and nothing changed. Any other ideas? Am I just going to have to reformat and start over?
April 12th, 2011 11:23pm

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