Virtual Disk Manager Error The semaphore timeout period has expired Initializing Disc in Windows 7
I'm running Windows 7 64bit with primary 300 SATA Raptor Split in two half for 7 and XP Home and Samsung 1000 SATA Internal, There is also small 40GB Sata present for CASH. Here what is happened. The operation system has offered me a disc error check up on restart sense in never been completed, i agreed. And after scan is finished up on restart i god message for initializing disk it is my backup and it is NTFS and it is 1000GB with 98% full. I search microsoft forrums and goolge for solution but i found only few related with this message to my issue. I performed clean boot Disable all my Intiviruses and Firewalls, that dos not help. Here is another image from HDD Essential that shows status of the disks: If anything I can adjust in VDM to increase timeout or what should i do? Please advise.
October 30th, 2010 11:13am

Hi, First, I would like to share the following information with you. When you receive semaphore timeout messages, the messages are usually the result of one of the following: 1.A heavy load on the server is causing processes to be delayed from releasing semaphores. 2.A process has crashed while holding a semaphore, causing other processes to block when trying to acquire the semaphore. 3.Deadly embrace, semaphore contention where two tasks are waiting on each other and neither task is able to break the loop. In the simplest case, thread A is trying to get a semaphore which is owned by B, while B is trying to get a different semaphore which is owned by A. More complex combinations are also possible: A wants a semaphore owned by B, who wants a semaphore owned by C, who wants a semaphore owned by A, etc. 4.If a process was to fail to set a semaphore during execution, another process dependent on the semaphore will be blocked awaiting the semaphore The current issue may be caused by the below aspects: 1, Some third-party programs conflict with the Backup process 2, The network share settings or network connection settings 3, The incorrect Hard disk sector or controllers As this time, the error message appear when initializing disc, and you have performed clean boot, please also try to login with Safe Mode to see if the same issue. And does this issue occurs with Windows XP? Please try to log on Windows XP and initialize disc for test. It’s also a possible that the hard disk sector or controllers have broken, please try to find another hard disk for test. Hope it helps. Regards, Leo HuangPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 2nd, 2010 5:05am

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