Virus Email Read Receipts?
I run Windowx XP Pro and use Outlook Express as my email client. I have a friend who uses Outlook. A couple of nights ago I got 6 read receipts from her. The problem is I never sent any of the emails I got read receipts for. Is this virus activity? And who would have the virus--me or her? I use Kaspersky Internet Security and Malwarebytes--both are up to date. I don't know what antivirus my friend uses.1 person needs an answerI do too
February 4th, 2011 1:55am
It is malware taking the email addresses from the address book of the computer which has been infected. The person having that computer either does not know it is infected or does not know how to remove the infestation. Eventually the problem will stop when someone runs a programme like Malwarebytes on the computer. However, by the time that happens the chances are that someone will do what the person who created the malware wants. The result is then that a further flow of messages begins until the new infestation is removed.Working out which computer is infected is not easy and can be impossible to determine. Recently I saw an example where the persons being circulated were only 8 people; most address books can contain many more addresses. A connection was obvious between 5 of the 8 persons but two names were not known. Questioning one of the parties involved revealed that the two names were known to that person but not to others being circulated. I recommended running Malwarebytes (and SuperAntispyware). The messages now seem to have stopped!Challenging your friends when you think they have an infestation is a good way to lose a friend so bear that in mind before taking any action.Hope this helps, Gerry Cornell
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February 4th, 2011 2:46am