Vista, APIPA, Routing issue
Wehave encountered a special situation where Vista will not route to a network that use IP adresses from the APIPA address range.This is only a problem with Vista and newer MS OS versions (Windows Server 2008, Windows 7). XP and Windows 2003 do not have any problems.What we have seen sofar is that if Vista hasanactive LAN adapater and a Wireless Adapterthen it will not route to an APIPA network. If you disable either adapter, so the PC does only have one active interface then the routingworks ok.There might be other scenarioeswhere the routing also is "broken", but we have not verified this yet.Does anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this with a workaround/fix ?Please do not comment on that APIPA is not supposed to be used in routed networks acccording to the RFC 3927 etc, as we are fully aware of this. Also we know that the best and right solution to the problem would be to do an IP redesignand get rid of the APIPA IP subnets.However, as this is not a viable solution in the short term due to the size and complexity of the network, we seek a workaround or a fix that will get Vista/Windows 2008/Windows 7 to work in this scenario.If it was possible to disable APIPA in Vista then it might work, but unfortunately it seems that the way APIPA has been implemented in Vista differs from earlier Windows versions why the known registry hacks that work on Windows 2003/XP do not work in Vista. Thisis discussed in another thread in this Forum APIPA - Disabling IP Autoconfiguration in VistaAlso we know it will work if you add a fixed route entry in the routing table on the client, but unfortunately this is an impractial workaroundas we cannot easily predict from which subnet a Laptopwill be connected.Finally, for academic curiosity I would be happy if anyone could explain why Vista treats APIPA differently than XP/Windows Server 2003 ?
March 19th, 2009 4:42pm

I am having this problem too, very annoying when APIPA is supposed to be designed to work independently of the internet or otherwise LAN.
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May 14th, 2009 9:40pm

RFC 3927 states: The host MUST NOT send a packet with an IPv4 Link-Local destination address to any router for forwarding. Vista and newer systems are just being compliant.
May 10th, 2011 7:29pm

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