Vista APIPA bug / autoconfiguration address / not fixed with SP1?
I was hoping the APIPA/Autoconfiguration bug would be fixed with SP1 but it still seems to be in the system. When is there going to be a fix that will fix the auto assigning of a 169. IP address when a machine has to access multiple networks?And before anyone starts in on the whole IPCONFIG /all, HKEY Edit, manually reset the router nonsense bear in mind that most people when they move from network to network for business/travel uses, usually the user doesn't have access to the DHCP setup on the router, or really shouldn't be forced to manually edit the registry just because MS can't be bothered to fix a simple bug by allowing the user to manually /renew an IP address instead of the APIPA locking the network down with the 169... IP addy. The interesting bit is that Vista actually has a manual IP repair/renew in the network properties but since the APIPA trumps it with the multiple networks/autoconfiguration IP addy nonsense it doesn't work.It's really a simple thing. Are you accessing multiple networks? Then even though Vista wants each network to be profiled it shouldn't force the followon networks to fail just because it sees multiple networks and automatically assigns the autoconfigured APIPA. Is MS going to fix this problem anytime soon? with SP2? or do we have to switch to W7 and the whole registration problem it's having at the moment.Please reply to
September 3rd, 2009 3:39am

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