Vista Network Connections list empty even though Device Manager lists them
I have recently run through a problem that I was unable to find a definitive answer for. Users Laptop showed nothing in the Network Adapters, even dialup and wireless were missing. I checked the devices in Device Manager and they were listed and enabled and looking good there, updated drivers had no effect, rebuilt Winsock, but just had nothing listed in network adapters. Unable to find anything listed anywhere that addresses the issue. I've seen several other people on the forums having this issue but no method of recovery other than a full OS reinstall. Ran across a little note in a forum that seemed to do the trick, figured I'd put it here for those poor souls that are having the same issue, perhaps it will work for you. They suggested in the Bios to disable network adapters there then enable them. I did so and what do ya know... everything network hardware related suddenly shows up again. This would indicate that something changed in the Bios, however user has no idea how to even get into Bios. I'm thinking that something happened with Vista's ability to retrieve the information from CMOS and by disabling and re-enabling there it re-established that link. Everything works fine now. To give you specs on the laptop, Dell Latitude D630 running Vista Ultimate in case it's a CMOS issue after all and not a Vista issue.When in doubt defenstrate it
January 28th, 2009 7:28pm

Well, I found an issue with my solution above... In my case, it has restored network connectivity and populated the Network Connections page, however the Network and Sharing Center and the Network icon in the task bar says "Not Connected" even though it is. So I guess my solution resolves the functionality of the network adapters but doesn't change how Vista reports the status of it. I read somewhere that there was a Reg fix for rebuilding your network adapters by removing a listing, removing it from the Device Manager and rebooting. I'll put an update up if I can solve this other half.When in doubt defenstrate it
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January 29th, 2009 1:37am

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