Vista Pro laptop has login issues outside of wireless network
Greetings. I have a Vista Pro laptop that connects to my wireless home network and the Windows domain hosted therein. When used at home, this laptop works normally. When this laptop is taken away from the wireless environment, users who have previously logged into the laptop (and should have cached credentials available) cannot log in, and are given the following message: "The System Event Notification Service has failed the login. The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain has failed." Two other laptops that are part of this network/ domain and connect wirelessly do not and have never exhibited this behavior. Their cached credentials work as expected when "off-site". These other two laptops are both Win7 Pro-based, and one of those was previously Vista-based until it was rebuilt a few months ago. It worked normally under both operating systems). Returning the troublesome laptop to its "home" wireless network solves the problem, but obviously this behavior is incorrect. I would appreciate any suggestions or notions on what might explain this bizarre behavior. This is a fairly conventional Dell laptop that is used for routine tasks, so there's really no reason to expect any such unusual behavior (no odd tools or software, that is). Multiple virus scans are clean, latest/last SP's installed, even have gone so far as to remove the machine from the domain and re-add it, disabling/re-enabling the wireless adapter, all to no avail. The behavior is annoyingly persistent. Any suggestions on what might cause this laptop to behave in this manner would be appreciated. -David
November 10th, 2010 8:10pm

i have seen that error a few times. this has always worked: disjoin the computer from the domain, restart, rejoin the domain,restart,have those users log on again.Should be gud from now on.Tunde Abagun MCP,MCSA,MCTS,MCITP en p "for the love of Computers"
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November 11th, 2010 12:17am

drtunababa, Thank you for taking the time to reply to my problem. Unfortunately, I have taken the steps you prescribe at least twice (actually several times, but I don't recall the exact number), and the original issue inevitably returns in a very brief time. Again, my thanks nonetheless for your effort! Ideas and thoughts on the issue continue to be solicited. Regards, David
November 12th, 2010 5:09pm

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