Vista firewall: How to block outgoing access for a program for all ports/destination except one?
I'd like to use the Vista firewall to block outgoing access for a particular program to all ports (or destination addresses) except for one. Other programs should continue to have unlimited outgoing access as normal. Is this possible with Vista firewall?I can add a 'block all' rule for the program and this successfully blocks all outgoing access for the program. But I can see no way to add an exception to this rule to only allow outgoing access for the program to certain ports or destination addresses. If I add 'allow' rules for these exceptions they seem to be ignored.Most other firewalls read through the rules in order of priority so that this kind of exceptioncan be enabled by correctly ordering the Allow/Block rules but it seems that rule order/priority is unimportant to the Vista firewall.Am I missing some other way of acheiving this? Can Vista firewall rules be prioritised?
September 4th, 2009 6:30pm

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