Vista home premium and wireless network problem
I have a problem with a brand new Dell laptop with Vista Home Premium and surfing through a Belkin ADSL wireless router. The Dell connects to the wireless , the problem is that some websites just don't display in IE. Google is the only one that consistently displays every time. BBC homepage will, BBC sport home won't, iTunes won't, Orange will, Microsoft won't, IBM will?? I've tried several things to narrow down the problem and i'm now convinced it's a setting in Vista. At a friends house, everything works perfectly, he's got a Belkin wireless with a Vigor router. At my house his XP laptop works perfectly. The Dell wired connection also works perfectly, so it's something to do with the wireless. The wireless adapter always receives an IP address from the DHCP server on the router although it does take about 60 seconds to "Identify the Network" type. The connection is then classed as "local and internet". NSLookup always returns the correct IP address for remote websites and most of them return a ping. IE access to the router webtool is fine. When you try and access any other website, most of the time it finds the page title and displays that but then just sits there and will not load any more of the page no matter how long you wait. Any help would be much appreciated.
January 29th, 2008 12:04pm

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