Vista workstation wants Admin credentials for mapped network drive PC after every log on/log off/reboot
This is my first post on TechNet here, so please excuse me if my description of the setup and problem sucks... Real simple workgroup setup here... |---- Workstation01 | | File Server ---|--- Workstation02 | | Printer--| | |---- Workstation03 Workstations 01-03 lose connection to the mapped drives on File Server after any of them log on/log off/reboot. When it comes back up it wants Admin credentials to the File Server. I put them in and save them and it remaps no problem. Until the next log on/log off/reboot... Also in this same sense, each of the workstations also lose the printer on the File Server. All machines are now Vista. I had the File Server as XP with no problems before but just upgraded the entire PC and had to go with Vista for now until Win7 is released... Also, I am unable to RDP to my File Server now too. It just hangs while trying to connect to it. I had no problems with RDPing before to the File Server on XP... Thoughts? I setup the sharing for everyone to access it. Set to allow the 10 concurrent connections. I've set it to NOT be password protected yet it still prompts for credentials. Each workstation has a different user with Admin powers and yet it still requests the Admin credentials from the File Server... I'm trying to keep it simple here so we don't need a server based OS for such a simple share... Has MS taken away our ability for simple file sharing without a server in Vista or am I doing something wrong here?? Any answers, suggestions or request of additional needed info is welcome... Thanks...
September 4th, 2009 7:25am

As a workaround you can make a .bat file and put it into your Startup. BAT file Example: net use s: \\\Share /user:UserName Password /persistent:yes
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September 4th, 2009 2:41pm

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