W7 update through proxy?
Anyone else having difficulties updating w7 through a proxy? I'm stuck behind a proxy that only allows traffic on 8080. I've set the proxy in ie8 and firefox... both of which work fine. AVG update works fine as well once configured. However the best windows update can do is ask for the username and password, and then give an error message Code "WindowsUpdate_8007139F" "WindowsUpdate_dt000"I've tried setting things through proxycfg... but still get the same message. Not quite sure where the problem is as windows is recognising the proxy and asking for a username... but just giving an error message right away after that. Unfortunately our IT won't change anything as they don't yet support w7... (or vista too for that matter!)Any ideas?
April 15th, 2009 2:54pm

The reason is from the proxy server. It may block computers to access Windows Update website for Windows 7 systems. If the proxy administrator would not change anything, we are not able to fix this issue. Arthur Xie - MSFT
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April 16th, 2009 10:44am

thanks :-) I'll try and twist their arm. What exactly would they need to add to their allow list for w7 to work? i.e. xp and vista work through windows update, so is w7 connecting to a different server/site?
April 16th, 2009 11:38am

Yes, the Windows Update websites for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 beta are all different. I suggest that you trust any Microsoft websites in the proxy server to resolve this issue.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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April 16th, 2009 11:52am

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