WHS 2011 error message in Windows 8 Alert Viewer Error

Alert Viewer Error - Alert notices are not available in the Alert Viewer due to an error, or incomplete action, or a service has stopped working. If the problem persists, contact the person who administers your server.

I am receiving this message on both of my Windows 8 machines but none of my Windows 7 or XP machines.

I just installed a new server with WHS 2011 and took down my old server running Server 2008.

I can not find any services who have recently stopped working on the Windows 8 machines or a Service which is not running on 8 machine but is on a 7 machine.

Any direction or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am getting a bit tired of closing the pop up ever 15 seconds or so. :)

July 6th, 2013 11:23pm


Please first check if task scheduler is running properly. If you receive any error message, please let me know and try the following suggestion.

1. Stop the Task Scheduler
2. Delete or Move the file(s) from the "C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA-S-1-5-18" folder.
3. Start the Task Scheduler Service.
4. Edit each previously scheduled task and provide security credentials( It'll as you for your login) for the task to run under.
5. Right click a task and choose run.

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July 8th, 2013 4:43am


Please check if there is any service fails to be started. Or,  if a service which set to start Automatically is not running.

More information:

Understanding Alerts

Hope this helps.

July 8th, 2013 4:52am


Please first check if task scheduler is running properly. If you receive any error message, please let me know and try the following suggestion.

1. Stop the Task Scheduler
2. Delete or Move the file(s) from the "C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA-S-1-5-18" folder.
3. Start the Task Scheduler Service.
4. Edit each previously scheduled task and provide security credentials( It'll as you for your login) for the task to run under.
5. Right click a task and choose run.

Hello Niki.

First thank you for the reply.

I do have a few questions.

First I did not know it was a "recommended" option to disable the task scheduler in Windows 8.

When I go to services.msc and on the task scheduler Service the Stop option is grayed out.

I do know I can disable it with a regedit.

1. Open up your regedit
2. Navigate to this locationHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule
3. Find the DWORD called start, change its value from 2 to 4. 

Though I do not think this would be  recommended action.

I also looked for the file location you suggested I delete or move the files from: "C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA-S-1-5-18 Though this is not a valid file location on my Windows 8 machine.

Were you suggesting I perform these actions on the Windows 8 box or the WHS server box because my Win7 and XP machines are working fine?

Thank you again for taking the time to help me get this issue resolved.

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July 9th, 2013 1:19am


Please check if there is any service fails to be started. Or,  if a service which set to start Automatically is not running.

More information:

Understanding Alerts

Hope this helps.

Hello Jeremy,

First thank you for the reply.

I did find one service "Windows Server Initialization Service" which was set to automatic though it was not started. I started this service and will not cross my fingers. This was a great reply I didn't even think to check for services which did not start properly. :)

July 9th, 2013 1:21am

Hi mitsured,

Thanks for the reply.

Windows Server Initialization Service is related to Windows Home Server 2011 Connector. If this service cannot be started, what is the error message? Is there any related log in Event Viewer?

Also, if it is possible, you can try to disable this service.

In addition, if you need further assistance, it is recommended to address the issue in Windows Home Server 2011 forum.

Hope this helps.

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July 9th, 2013 2:29pm

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