WMDC and build 7100 Problems
I have been running Windows Mobile Device Center and my Samsung Blackjack I(WM6) without issue with build 7000 for at least two months. Recently I installed build 7100 and have been having problems ever since. WMDC will install but quickly breaks. It will sync once, and then 10 minutes later, the device isn't recognized. I have un-installed WMDC and RNDIS and reinstalled and it still displays the same behavior. Maybe a related issue, I also charge the device thru the USB connection and I am seeing this link power down with this build. Something I've never experienced before. A search of the forums and I see the issues with build 7000. I've applied all fixes yet the problem persists. I've downloaded the 6.1 version of WMDC and that didn't resolve anything. It seems that since Vista, Windows Mobile has really become a step-child. Am I missing something? Is there a beta version of WMDC that I should be using rather than vers 6.1? Thanks for any help Paul
May 20th, 2009 5:00pm

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