WMP12 changes album pictures randomly
I use WMP12 (on Windows 7 Pro) to organize my MP3 files within a hierarchy of folders: My Music --Genre ----Artist ------Album First I let WMP collect all the album information from the Internet. After that operation was completed I turned this feature off, so not any automatic info update would take place anymore. At the end I completed the missing album infos manually. For example, I scanned the cover of an album which wasn't found in the Internet and copy-pasted the picture into the album properties within WMP. WMP integrates the picture into the MP3 files and creates the following hidden files in the corresponding directory: AlbumArt_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}_Large.jpg AlbumArt_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}_Small.jpg AlbumArtSmall.jpg Folder.jpg The many "0" are because the album is considered as "unknown" or as an own compilation. So you'll find many album folders including these JPG files, having the same file name. I actually love this feature. However, when I repeat the same procedure in another folder that contains another "unknown" album then SOME of those JPG files in OTHER unknown album folders will be replaced by the new cover picture, even in folders that I'm not updating. I cannot explain why it only happens with SOME unknown albums and not in all of them. I also cannot explain why WMP does this, even if the automatic album info update is turned off. The cover picture that had been integrated into the MP3 files remains unchanged, but their cover picture in the corresponding folder changes randomly as soon as I integrate new cover pictures into OTHER unknown albums.... and this is VERY ANNOYING!!! How can I stop WMP from doing this? Thank you in advance for your reply... and let me know if additional info is needed. BR AlbMUC
February 4th, 2011 10:32am

Hi Albmuc, You can refer to the following steps to change the album manually. It can avoid your issue. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Add-or-change-album-art-in-Windows-Media-Player Hope it helps. Best Regards, NikiPlease remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 7th, 2011 5:27am

Hi Niki, Thank you for your reply. To change the album art manually I was already using the procedure explained in your link. It works fine. However, sometimes I dont have the album cover and I search for it using the "find album info" feature of WMP. In fact, after some more detailed analysis I found out that the problem only occurs when I use that feature. If I use the "find album info" feature and then I manually modify some info and apply the changes then WMP12 copies all the same album art JPG's into other folders containing the "ZERO" JPG files, but apparently only where the album info was edited the same way (using the function "find album info" for self-compilations). There is no way to apply the changes for the current folder only. So in the meantime I stopped using online searches via WMP at all. To look for single track infos and album covers I started using other media managers. BR AlbMUC
February 8th, 2011 1:48pm

Hi, Typically, the easiest way to add media information to a file is by searching for the information in the online database. If you turn on this feature, the Player periodically scans your library for songs that are missing album art and download it automatically. When the Player downloads album art, it also downloads all other media information associated with that album (such as the album name, song titles, and so on). If you have manually edited the media information for that album in your library, the "find album info" feature will overwrite your changes. Please open Windows Media Player -> click Organize Arrow-> Option -> Library Tab -> make sure you choose this option: Only add missing information Best Regards, NikiPlease remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 9th, 2011 7:58am

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