WPA2 Enterprise Wireless access during OOBE?

For some reason our WPA2 Enterpise SSID is not showing up during the "choose wireless" part of OOBE.

We need to keep our wireless settings as users log on, so we can't use the "generalize" settings (we don't need that as we only have one computer type)

We want to use the "copyprofile" setting so the configuration we set up while in Audit mode will merge with the default user account.

Unfortunately, in order for "copyprofile" to work, you have to use the /generalize switch, which erases our wireless settings.

We need wireless connected so the user can create the local account to be a Microsoft account.

Is there a way to copy the profile changes from the audit process, but keep the wireless settings?

Is there a way to inject wireless settings into the oobe process? BEFORE it gets to the account creation?

April 19th, 2013 10:48pm

The wireless device maybe not compatible with Windows 8. You need to download drivers after the system isinstalled, or insert the wierless driver into the system image.

You can export wireless settings.


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April 22nd, 2013 11:50am

The wireless networks are showing up, just not any networks with WPA2 Enterprise or 802.1x authentication.

These are Surface Pros

July 24th, 2013 2:17pm

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