What happen to Win XP sharing Win 7 Files ?
I had different problems with Windows XP sharing Windows 7 files but have been getting the same message on my XP after a few hours of use: “File Sharing is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resources.” but thought I had overcome them and gone 8 days accessing these files 24 hours a day without one hang up . While the problem has come back these last 2 days and the only way out seems to restart the Window 7 computer and then I can retry the I/O on XP which then works. I have to kill 6 jobs from running on Win 7 with 6 core in order to re-boot so I continue to run 1 job on my Win XP with 1 core. This solution is very impracticable. My Vista with 4 core hasn’t had one hang up in sharing these Win 7 files. I expected problems with Win 7 but it frustrating when you think you have overcome a problem only to see it pop out 196 hours later and I haven’t made any changes. Now I made a lot of changes since and nothings works but a re-boot. Good way to make a person want to upgrade his Windows XP to 7 or just to retire his computer or maybe bring it back in 6 months to see if their been a fixed. What a waste of processor power.
February 25th, 2011 1:41am

Update: Sunday 5:32:06 am, Last access of share Win 7 file by Win XP 6:53:22 am, Unable to access Win 7 files until I reboot WIN 7 Win 7 events show the following: 2/27/2011 6:03:35 am Event 7036, Service Control Manager “The WinHTTP web proxy auto-discovery Service service entered the stop state.” 2/27/2011 6:53:35 am Event 2017, srv “The server was unable to allocate from the system non-paged pool because the server reached the configured limit for non-pool allocations.” The same message was repeated 6 more times for the next 19 seconds and next message was at: 2/27/2011 7:32:10 am Event 7036, Service Control Manager “The WinHTTP web proxy auto-discovery Services services entered the running state.” I would like to say the Window Vista continue to run and hasn’t had one sharing problem although it access Win 7 share files 4 times more than my Window XP. All my intermittent problems have been with Windows XP. I decided to try to get much time out of the XP as possible until it hangs up, knowing it’ll stay in limbo until I reboot Win 7 system. Converting my XP to WIN 7 would be a piece of cake but converting others purchase software looks like pure drudgery, swearing, drinking and rage which are all bad for anyone my age.
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February 27th, 2011 7:50pm

Update: I installed Service Pack 1 for Windows 7. It didn’t make any difference. I went seven hours before Windows XP lost sharing capability with Windows 7 after Windows 7 error event 2017. Next day I went about 19 hours. Why does Windows 7 make seven 2017 entries with same time of day? That seems to inflated the error count. As usual this error event has no effect on Vista sharing which hits the same share directory 4 times more than XP. Vista has never created this 2017 error event or ever lost its sharing with Windows 7.
March 3rd, 2011 8:03pm

Update: This problem has made my XP computer useless to turn on. I decided to keep the XP computer turn off until I upgrade it to Windows 7. "The only things certain in life are death, taxes and software upgrades."
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March 12th, 2011 3:13pm

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