What is FTP
I tested my internet connections and it said http and https were connected fine but FTP wasn't...What does that mean, do I have to fix it, or is it ok?1 person got this answerI do too
September 23rd, 2009 7:14pm

If you aren't using an ftp process, then you don't need the ftp. ftp stands for File Transfer Protocol and to use it, you have to enter data to make it work. It's pretty likely that if you needed ftp you would know it. ftp is usually used in programs like ws_ftp, filezilla, web site authoring programs, things like that. You can likely ignore it if you don't think you use it. Should you try for an ftp access, it'll tell you it's not set up and generally but not explicitly what to do. I'm betting it won't happen. It is not something you MUST fix. It's OK as is if you think you don't need it. Looking up "ftp" in Help & Support will take you to a page with information about it. Very few people use ftp with IE; it's usually with another program as mentioned above. Another community answer from the Windows XP newsgroups
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September 23rd, 2009 7:19pm

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