What is the correct way to delete a Domain Profile (user acct) from a WorkGroup computer?
I would like quidance on the best way of deleting an old domain user account. The user account (call it domact1) does not show up in the User Accounts Control Panel. The local users do, (I expected that) but is still listed in the directory. Many of the files and folders have been deleted, but it is still there. The computer is no longer in the domain, in fact the domain does not exhist any longer. Domact1 does not appear in the Local Account listing (as expected). It does appear in c:\users\ Information is normally hidden (you can change the view settings and permissions). I would expect that deleting a local account also deletes registry information for the user account. How should I delete the account. I suspect that I can just delete the C:USERS\DOMACT1 directory and subdirectories (I have not tried that) or is there a way to also delete all the registry entries also? I also have the local domain administrator account. Running Windows 7 Professional 32bit. Thanks is advance.
September 16th, 2010 11:18pm

Try the computer management snap in in mmc. or run compmgmt.msc The Computer Manual
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September 17th, 2010 10:47pm

Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried that. The old domain accounts do not appear. Searching for all the ntuser.dat files and listing their paths produces a list. I can also enter via right click on Computer-->Properties-->Advanced-->User Profiles. I believe in these cases the "All Users", "Default Users" and "Network Service" are hidden, but I do not know. One old ntuser file has 11GB of data. It is a similar situation in another machine. In the future I expect that I should delete any users on the machine after taking all the data off, especially the domain users, then after that joining the Work Group. By breaking the link to the domain, I have left remnants.
September 18th, 2010 5:47am

Hi, Please refer to the following thread to check if it helps: Windows 7 computer Joined to Domain - Proper way of removing Domain Users from the local machine Users group? Regards, Sabrina Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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September 20th, 2010 11:14am

Right click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings. On the Advanced tab, choose the Settings-button under User Profiles. Delete the profile you want deleted.
September 20th, 2010 11:40am

That link you posted refers to removing the Domain Users SECURITY PRINCIPAL....not a Domain User Account. You did not address the question correctly.Mike
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June 16th, 2011 12:21pm

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