When Windows 8.1 wakes up from sleeping, the PAC Proxy can't work normally


I'm using Toshiba WT8 Win8 Tablet.

When my tablet waked up from sleeping, the PAC Proxy can't normally work on the Modern UI IE, when I reconnect the WiFi, it will be ok without any other action.

Windows 8.1 and all drivers are up-to-date.  No any anti-virus software. 

There is a post I asked 4 days ago but can't solve my problem: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-networking/windows-81-wake-up-from-sleep-lost-pac-proxy/a19efe8e-70e4-4eed-a614-f11f62562a68?rtAction=1425959337664

March 13th, 2015 2:58am

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