When a user logs in to computer, a different user's network drives are mapped
So, I have one issue that's stumping me. I work for a private school with a one-student-per-laptop program. During the summer, I created images for the student and staff computers. I did all installation of programs using my own login. Now that school has begun, I have noticed that many times when a student or staff member logs in to their computer, they see a list of MY network drives. The drives that should be only viewable under my login are being mapped to every user that logs in. Access rights are still in place (only those who have permission to access the drives are able to). There is a group policy in place from our network admin, which is supposed to let the students and staff see their own network drives, but these do not show up until you manually disconnect each of my network drives (a pain for the helpdesk staff). I'm thinking there must be a cached copy of my network drives residing somewhere in the image, that gets pulled in as the images get deployed. I've looked under the C:\Users\Default folder to see if I can locate anything there, but I haven't been able to. Google searches don't seem to be much help either. Anyone got an idea? thanks, Chris
November 12th, 2012 8:24am

how are you setting up the network drives for them in the first place?
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November 12th, 2012 10:42am

According to our network admin: A script runs on the domain controller that assigns drives at login.
November 12th, 2012 11:26am

Does this script delete any previous drives before adding the new ones. I wonder if this is the problem. Ours here does this... net use o: /delete and then maps net use o: //aldskfjlsajfd Can you post that script here? Also where is the script placed and is there a different one for admins as opposed to normal student users?
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November 13th, 2012 9:58am

No, it does not delete drives. That may be a workaround if we can't get it to work. What I'm trying to fix is why it's pulling in the wrong drives initially. This is a new problem this year - we used the same unchanged script last year and it worked great. There's something in the default profile that I think is pulling cached copies of the drives in the profile I used to create images...
November 13th, 2012 10:42am

I would just do the workaround. Save you some time looking. Then you can atleast solve it while you look for the real problem
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November 13th, 2012 11:09am

According to our network admin: A script runs on the domain controller that assigns drives at login. Hi, If the issue is caused by the script, you may get the help from Windows Script Forum: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/category/scriptingSpencer TechNet Community Support
November 14th, 2012 2:26am

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