Where can I download Windows 7?
HelloWhere can I download windows 7? I've received a key to activate, but than, the site told me that the download is not available!!Did microsoft use their own server software and now, the servers are overloaded and downloads are stoped? Better they user linux server to solve the problem.. maybe request a mirror on sourceforge for windows 7 and upload the windows 7 source code too. :-)Thanx for helpByeP.S. are the bugs of forum rendering normal on Mozilla browers?
March 7th, 2009 11:07pm

Bad news... You've missed it. Back when the beta originally was released, it was only going to be for the first 2.5 million people. But it was seen as so popular, that Microsoft extended the availability until Feb 12th. Given it's now March 7th, as I type this, you're almost a month late to the party.The reference information for this can be found here: http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windows7/archive/2009/02/09/reminder-general-availability-for-windows-7-beta-ending-this-week.aspxSo, then, you're only legit options would be to find a friend who's got the ISO image and burn a disk from his copy. OR wait unti the Release Candidate is released - which will probably been sometime in the next few months.Your less than legit option would include grabbing a copy via a torrent. However, I wouldn't recommend going that route necessarily - especially given the "fun" some of the Mac people have been having with those infected versions of Adobe CS4 and iLife...
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March 8th, 2009 12:53am

Hello Mats_MatzeThe publicdownload for Windows 7 closed several weeks ago. Currently you can still request a key however the media is not available to download. Using any media that does not come from a Microsoft Source ishighly discouraged. Not only for it's questionable legality, but also because of the potential to have the media altered to produce undesirable results.If you have a TechNet or MSDN subscription you may continue to download the beta through your subscription benefits web site. Daniel Nerenberg MCT MCSE MCITP MCTS MVP
March 8th, 2009 1:07am