Where is the Send Feedback form described in the FAQs?
Where is the so-called "Issue Report" feature listed in the FAQs (on the Windows 7 Beta download page FAQ, under "How do I report a problem...?")for when a user clicks on "Send Feedback" in the beta - which is supposed to open a form that includes the ability to capture screen activity to a video to be submitted along with the feeback report?When I click on "Send Feedback" anywhere in the beta, all I get is a silly, generic form to tell Microsoft how much I "loved it," "couldn't get it started," "it finished but could be improved" or "it seemed to be broken,"along with a rating point scale and a text box for comments.I'm trying to send actual issue (bug) reports and the video capture feature would be invaluable (actually, the ability to include simple screen captures would be just as good in many cases, but being able to access the former would be fine), but nothing named "Issue Report" ever comes up when I click a Send Feeback link.
January 14th, 2009 6:34pm

that is a question. where is that video capture feature thing. on the microsoft technet build its not included, but on some of the "microsoft connect" builds that feature is is included. of course then microsoft technet only has like ultimate edition while, microsoft connect has ultimate edition, server edition, premium edition, and so much more. of course then to download from microsoft connect you need an invitation.
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January 14th, 2009 7:44pm

Depending on how you got the beta, send feedback is different.If you used a public key - you get the broken/loved it/etc.If you used a MSDN/Connect key - you get the bug report form.
January 14th, 2009 7:45pm

i have an MS connect key on my main PC. on my other i have a pulic. i have a public on my other because of the MS connect keys were not ready right away...
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January 14th, 2009 10:02pm

Hi, Thank you for your feedback. Regarding the feedback channel, as a workaround, you can describe the problem/bug on the forum. My colleagues and I will forward it to our feedback team. Thank you for your understanding. Regarding the video capturing, Windows 7 has a new feature called Problem Steps Recorder. You can use Problem Steps Recorder to automatically capture the steps you take on a computer, including a test description of where you clicked and a picture of the screen during each click (called a screenshot). Once you capture these steps, you can save them to a file. To run Problem Steps Recorder: Click Start, type PSR, and press enter. Hope it helps.
January 16th, 2009 12:49pm

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