Why doesn't Microsoft support Helvetica and Times?

All Macintosh computers and other Apple Inc. products come with Helvetica and Times fonts built-in by default, although Windows doesn't. Helvetica is probably, at least to my opinion, the best and finest among all Sans-Serif and other typefaces in the world, and there's no doubt that it's one of the most popular fonts and it suites almost all types of design and typographic works. Although Arial is close enough to Helvetica, it's far inferior to the beauty and typographic natures of Helvetica. There are also a lot websites out there designed in Helvetica. So it should have been available to most computer users in the world.

However, although being the manufacturer of the most popular OS in the world, Microsoft does not make Helvetica and Times available in their operating system Windows by default, nor they do in Microsoft Office or other software or products they design. But it's not a big deal, since Helvetica is available to Windows users by purchase. Yet, even after purchasing Helvetica from a trusted source and installing it on my PC, I find that my browsers, Microsoft Office and other programs either don't render it properly, or substitute it by Arial and Times with Times New Roman which clearly states that Microsoft does not support these fonts. But my question is WHY?

System Specs:

  • HP G62-363TU Notebook PC
  • Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
  • Intel Core i5  M 460 @2.53 Ghz
  • 6.00 GB (5.80 GB usable) RAM

Is it a problem with my system or with the font file that I installed, or is it Microsoft? If it's Microsoft, I have no option but to switch to Mac.

January 12th, 2014 11:10am

Well since Microsoft would have to pay licensing costs for the use of Helvetica on every copy of Windows if they included it I imagine that's why it's not included. As for Times, Times New Roman has been included in Windows since day one, so I assume you're referring to a different variant, in which case it's no doubt again down to licensing.

As for purchased Helvetica not loading, in the start menu search for "fonts" and view the list of installed fonts. Is Helvetica definitely listed there?

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January 12th, 2014 1:20pm

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