It has, literally, taken several hours to get to the point where it is 'Expanding Windows files (41%)'. The machine I am using has 4GB memory, Core2Duo running at about 2.5/2.6GHz. I am doing a clean install to a 114GB harddrive. The responses to the initial questions took minutes not seconds.If anyone has an idea as to what the problem is PLEASE email to kencooperjr@hotmail.com.Based on this performance this is certainly not a candidate for a new OS on my system. Thanks for any help - Ken Cooper
July 16th, 2009 7:48pm

Really strange. The entire installation took 20 minutes in my computer. What else are you using? Latest bios? The hardware work well with another OS?
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July 16th, 2009 7:53pm

Your rom drive might not be reading.midnight rambler is now "Mr. Seven"
July 16th, 2009 8:10pm

I have swappable hard drives - the other drive uses XP(SP3) absolutely no issues! BTW since I posted the original message about an hour plus ago the systemhad expanded windows files to about 41% it is not at 62%!. Thanks -
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July 16th, 2009 8:47pm

What do you mean when you say my ROM may not be reading - The ROM drive is what I put the install disk in? Thanks -
July 16th, 2009 8:49pm

Your disk drive in other words may not be functioning as it should.midnight rambler is now "Mr. Seven"
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July 16th, 2009 8:52pm

Good point. The dvd drive or the disk itself can be damaged. You could try to re-write the iso, maybe using another recording software/speed or another disk brand.
July 16th, 2009 9:01pm

Ken - Warel makes a good point - You should always record ISOs at the SLOWEST possible speed. When Vista was in beta, that was always the standard recommendation.
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July 17th, 2009 4:31am

Recording at a lower speed could eliminate write errors but probably would not increase the read speed.When burning an .iso i recommend using nero or a freebee called ImgBurn which does the trick. Both of these programs have a feature called "verify" which compares the contents of a burned disk to the image file burned to the disk and if burned succesfully the disk will verify at a high read speed and no errors will be reported.Mr. Seven was here 2009.
July 17th, 2009 4:44am

Mr Seven - Actually... It might. If the slowly burned DVD has fewer errors, the drive won't have to sit and try to recover data on the disk. That, in and of itself would make the process a lot faster.
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July 17th, 2009 5:06am

It has, literally, taken several hours to get to the point where it is 'Expanding Windows files (41%)'. The machine I am using has 4GB memory, Core2Duo running at about 2.5/2.6GHz. I am doing a clean install to a 114GB harddrive. The responses to the initial questions took minutes not seconds.If anyone has an idea as to what the problem is PLEASE email to kencooperjr@hotmail.com.Based on this performance this is certainly not a candidate for a new OS on my system. Thanks for any help - Ken Cooper Hi CaseyRemember it is a beta product. I would recommend just letting it run.I have seen reports of the install running for up to 14 hours. :(However, once it completed, the system operated perfectly.By the way, we do not do email support on these forums.Hope this helps.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
July 17th, 2009 6:04am

You may be right about thatwhich wouldn't suprise me becouse Wolfie is usually right, just onebit copied incorrectly could through the whole thing off andproduce a slow readhowever disk verification is the acid test youreally ought tohave to prove you have a bit for bit exact duplicate.Mr. Seven was here 2009.
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July 17th, 2009 6:56am

Remember it is a beta product. I would recommend just letting it run. I have seen reports of the install running for up to 14 hours. :( Ronnie, you are one of the best moderators in this forums. You are active and always contribute a lot. But sorry, again, this is the secound time now I see you saying the exactly same thing, and I need to say again: WINDOWS 7 IS NOT BETA ANYMORE. Its a RC. In fact, its almost in RTM stage now. Things like it CAN NOT happen anymore. If it still in beta stage, ok. Betas are for it. But sorry, ITS NOT BETA. Please, stop using this pre-made sentence, it does not reflect the reality anymore. Thanks, and I hope Casey had the problem fixed by now.
July 17th, 2009 2:54pm

Warel - Uh.. Ronnie may have a point here. The RC was created on April 22nd and we're now at July 17th. That makes it almost, but not quite 3 months old. Unless the OP is running one of those verboten builds that are newer, his point is valid...
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July 17th, 2009 3:25pm

Remember it is a beta product. I would recommend just letting it run.I have seen reports of the install running for up to 14 hours. :( I would not accept this as an answer. Setup did not perform as it should have for this RC user. Either it is design flaw in the windows client or something not as it should be with his hardware but the problem should be addressed and taken more seriously to improve his setup experiance. Setup should not run for more than 30 minutes.Mr. Seven was here 2009.
July 17th, 2009 4:10pm

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