Wifi Setup dies when trying to connect... any thoughts? Please help me!
I'm not a computer or network guru, however this is the most bizarre network problem I've ever encountered and I can't seem to find answers on the net... I've found people with similar issues, but they appear to be unresolved. IF ANYONE OUT THERE CAN HELP ME?! Ok, so the issues happened when my latest roommate moved in - probably 5 months ago. Around the same time I upgraded my internet package and the new cable modem was a new modem box/router (a 2 in 1). SO I got rid of my old router. Internet works well (when directly plugged in). We have about 6 computers, 2 PS3's, 2 Xbox, about 5 phones, and maybe something else connect to the router. Probably 3 Netflix accounts could be running at any given point and my bandwidth is about 50mb. Now the issue is as follows: Whenever my roommates laptop connects to the router, it KILLS the router... All internet connections die and/or the bandwith drops to an unbearable 1mb or less (according to speedtest site). I got our internet provider to come out and do a service call and the short end of it, he had no idea what was going and suggested I buy a router and disable the "router" feature from the modem. So I have done this... and my issues continue. Now though I know when my internet gets killed, because I can see it on my router. My blinking green light turns yellow and lets me know internet is gone... I've tried virtually EVERYTHING to solve this... but I'm at a point were frustration is blinding me from achieving results... So - to summarize. My WIFI stops working when my roommates computer connects to the internet. Either when he boots up his computer or wakes up his computer or even after his screensaver comes on/off - it all kills the wifi for the WHOLE HOUSE!!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! PLEASE HELP! He is using Windows 7.
May 22nd, 2012 12:38pm

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