Win-7 XPS Viewer Page Two View trouble only - clear typing / printing did not go beyond page one in order to view typed words - etc.
Hello TechNet Users: XPS Viewer included in Win-7,displayspage twoas: "'un-readable text / typing"' (to me). Page one is fine!! (One page print / save as an XPS filerequest= IS - OK) Here below ismy link to the part of the imagethat isNOT readable - which is page two in this example - (did not try beyone page two).
April 14th, 2009 4:18am

Please use the Feedback button on the Windows 7 beta desktop to report your issue. That way the Windows 7 developers will receive the information needed to research the issue.Carey Frisch
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April 14th, 2009 5:26pm

5:45 PM 4/14/2009Hello Carey: Thank YOU for your reply! Yes! I additionally reported this issue via the "Feedback" "link" within Win-7 and while using the XPS Viewer - I clicked and reported imediately after I noticed the jumbled text. My wish here is to post here; additional information (such as; in-order to follow my web-page-link to image15) and then have a way to view a visual image of what I was seeing; at the time of my feedback send; (as an additional referance, in order to help explain (visually) what I wrote about). I am not ever sure if feedback alone is enough; so I am under the impression we could post up some additional information in this forum. My hope is that my posting here does not create more work or confusion.... (Kind of that - "More might be better" - line of thinking...) Thanks again for your feedback to what is the best approach for Beta issues - (use of "feeback" forms)! Hope the rest of day is moving along smoothly for you (if your work-day is still going on)! Bye for now, Jim.
April 15th, 2009 3:49am

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