Win32dialerdeletes reportingtools?
Ok here I am I am a low level begginer beta tester. In windows vista with windows one care beta. With avgFree malware. recently. (less then a week ago) a win 32 dialer escaped windows onecares BETA'S detection. The dialers activities were typical and obvious. Unscheduled boots, excessive internet activity Ect. Ect. An active version of windows one care failed to recognize the obvious intrusion. I downloaded and used avgfree antimalware. avg free did find a win32dialer and removed it. Or so I thought. Today I find a series of reporting tools, including windows reporting tool have been removed. Shortcuts and all. unscheduled and irregullar internet and unsheduled ( or otherwise Unwanted) booting of the computor are recurring on a regular basis. IF, I repeat If, there is an available internet connection. If my cable modem is off there will be no boot activity. First boot or turn on of activity shows (with monitoring) , windows media player scanning, and 6 incidences of csrss.exe, although at the time of this report I have 1 incidence of csrss.exe. Although my present experience is limited. I find these activities worth report. I await further contact and instuctions. I am prepared to start over from scratch, as I have back-ups for my backups. My biggest curiousity here is educational. This report is beng repeated along other channels, among those are various Malware reporting sites. There are NO ATTACHMENTS included with this report.
February 3rd, 2007 2:10pm

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February 4th, 2007 12:06am

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