Win7 RC - delete confirmation dialog. . .
I am running Windows 7 RC, Build 7100, and I am using the Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 and Microsoft Wireless Laser Keyboard 6000 v2.0. The "Display delete confirmation dialog" box of the Recyle Bin Properties is checked. When I go to delete a file or folder from my external 500 GB USB2 drive using the context menu (right mouse clicking) it automaticaly deletes it to the Recycle Bin without displaying the delete confirmation dialog. However if I select a file or folder on the same external drive and press the Delete key, the display delete confirmation dialog is displayed. Regardless which means (mouse or keyboard) I use to delete a file or folder on either of my internal SATA drives, C or D, the delete confirmation dialog is always displayed. As expected. I have tried unchecking the "Display delete confirmation dialog" box of the Recyle Bin Properties and Applying and OK'ing it, and then again checking the "Display delete confirmation dialog" box and Applying and OK'ing it, but it produces the same results as reported above. Laurence
May 11th, 2009 8:30pm

Hello LaurenceJ,Have you been able to resolve your question?Does your keyboard mouse combo have any macro keys attached to the mouse buttons? Is the software provided with the external hard drive installed? Please let us know if you still need help.-Scott
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June 13th, 2009 3:40am

I have noticed this exact same issue. It drove me crazy until I tried holding down shift while clicking Delete >> sure enough, the prompt shows up. What gives? This seems like one of the stupidest bugs ever: select an option to turn it off.... How soon will this be fixed?!
October 19th, 2010 2:49pm

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