Win7 X64: allowing apps to overwrite files
I've used Robotask for several years to move files between different websites on a daily basis. I create a script to use FTP to download a file to the local copy of a website and then upload it to a different site. This has worked in all previous versions of Windows but in Win7 the app is unable to overwrite the local file. So, if my file is myfile.mdb, rather than overwrite this it saves multiple copies of the file, ie myfile(1).mdb, myfile(2).mdb etc.Permissions seem OK on the local folders involved and the local files aren't read-only. Robotask is and 'allowed' prgram in Windows Firewall.Can anyone point me to a solution to this?Ian HaynesMVP ExpressionIan Haynes
November 17th, 2009 3:12pm

What is the location of your *.mdb files? I suggest you run the program as administrator. If the issue persists, check permission settings, to confirm whether you have full control and has rights to delete files in the folder. The following thread can be a reference. create undeleteable folder? Arthur Xie - MSFT
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November 20th, 2009 9:02am

I do launch the program as administrator (see separate note below). The mdb files are in inetpub/wwwroot and I, as a user,have full control of the folder,which includes rights to delete.IanPS: Re launching as an administrator:I'd liketo haveRobotask as a startup program. Vista would give you an alert for startup programs that need to be run as administrator via a dialog box in the notification area, Win7 doesn't do this and I have to start it manually.Can this notification be turned on in Win7 too?Ian Haynes
November 20th, 2009 11:09am

UAC in Windows 7 has some improvements. High privilege is not required unless the program will change system related components or write data to a location that can only be written by administrators. However I think that may be the reason of this issue. How does it work if you disable UAC? I suspect that the program is not compatible with UAC in Windows 7.Arthur Xie - MSFT
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 24th, 2009 8:47am

No it doesn't work with UAC turned off either. I've tried running it normally (not as admin) to see if file ownership is the issue. Interestingly if I do this it saves the files with the user as owner but if I turn UAC off it saves them with admin as the owner, despite being run 'normally'.The files are saved to inetpub/wwwroot. Is this an 'admin' only area?The app devlopers are now looking at the issue although tell me they've tested on Win7 X64 without any problems.IanIan Haynes
November 24th, 2009 1:20pm

Mystery solved. Having sent the developers the task that RoboTask generates, it turned out there was a new option added (in the latest version)at a particular step for 'renaming' or 'overwriting' downloaded files.I'd done this at alater step in the task, by which time the renamed file had already been saved.It was apparently mentioned in the update list but I obviously missed the significance of it. Guess I wion't be the only one to do so.Apologies for wasting bandwidth on the forum.Ian Haynes
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 24th, 2009 2:33pm

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