Win7 name to ip translation failed on LAN
Good morning everybody, I got a strange problem since 2 days with my computer. 1* I'm working on a domain at office (w2k server) everything was fine but now I can't connect to our share. 2* With that computer I was able to connect to my personal NAS (not in domain) and still noway to this now. I have no problem for browsing the web I can't ping by the computer name (time out), explore through "My network places" make explorer freeze I can ping the ip address I can connect to share folder by the IP address I got a Time service warning, a dns warning and a group policy error logged just after windows started in the event logger I have no clue on what to do thanks in advance, Jeremie
May 22nd, 2010 12:20pm

something changed and you should check the DNS settings from your problematic computer, go to NIC properties and enter IPv4, then click Advanced button and go to DNS tab. There are many configurations should be check and disable/enable the NIC may get it work.a245ac8356cd89088a3a0e0536223c20 56cd89088a3a0e05 c093d70f088499c3a837cae00c042f14
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May 22nd, 2010 3:11pm

Hi Richard, thxs for answer So, I'm not sure it is DNS related, ie my ethernet&wifi are both affected by the problem AND internet name solving works great AND the DNS server attributed by both DHCP (at home & at office) are the one of repspective provider. I would more think of windows name resolver service or something like this, maybe the browser master or something (I really don't know if MS still use those protocol as I didn't get into trouble with 7 for at least a year) The problem persist after rebooting the computer here is my DNS config for my wifi NIC, I guess it always has been this way since win2K...
May 22nd, 2010 3:32pm

Hello dudesque, According to the picture that you are showing, that is a screenshot of the DNS tab, Advanced Properties of IP. This picuture only indicates one of two things. Your NIC is set to acquire a DHCP IP address, or this computer has a static IP address assigned, but no DNS client settings. MOst likely, it is the first. It would have been preferrable for you to upload a screenshot of your current TCP/IP settings by opening a command prompt and typing IPCONFIG /ALL. In any case, if you are trying to "browse" the network, I can tell you that most have given up on that years ago. It is very, very difficult to get a good computer browse list working, especially in environments that are complex and have mixed operating systems since the newer ones have these client services turned off by default. A better troubleshooting tool for name resolution is NSLOOKUP, not ping. Here is a quick high, level overview on how to use NSLOOKUP. Using NSLOOKUP to Troubleshoot Common DNS Issues Visit my blog:, an IT Knowledge Base.
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May 22nd, 2010 4:46pm

Hello Jorge, thanks for your reply here is a summary of my ethernet config with ipconfig: Configuration IP de Windows Nom de l'h“te . . . . . . . . . . : rudy Suffixe DNS principal . . . . . . : Type de noeud. . . . . . . . . . : Pair-Pair Routage IP activ‚ . . . . . . . . : Non Proxy WINS activ‚ . . . . . . . . : Non Liste de recherche du suffixe DNS.: Carte r‚seau sans fil Connexion r‚seau sans filÿ: Suffixe DNS propre … la connexion. . . : Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN Adresse physique . . . . . . . . . . . : 00-21-5C-90-DF-51 DHCP activ‚. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Oui Configuration automatique activ‚e. . . : Oui Adresse IPv6 de liaison locale. . . . .: fe80::152a:2bfd:4a53:81b8%13(pr‚f‚r‚) Adresse IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . .:‚f‚r‚) Masque de sous-r‚seau. . . .ÿ. . . . . : Bail obtenu. . . . . . . . .ÿ. . . . . : samedi 22 mai 2010 15:08:58 Bail expirant. . . . . . . . .ÿ. . . . : mardi 1 juin 2010 15:08:58 Passerelle par d‚faut. . . .ÿ. . . . . : Serveur DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . : IAID DHCPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . : 234889564 DUID de client DHCPv6. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-12-8F-A8-D3-00-21-9B-DC-27-F2 Serveurs DNS. . . . . . . . . . . . . : NetBIOS sur Tcpip. . . . . . . . . . . : Activ‚ The configuration is the following: At home my router (freebox, box triple play assigned by my ISP is set in fully automatic dhcp and the dns is set to the ISP dns servers, that are correct) I'm trying to access my NAS MyWorldBook called "punky" with the IP address ping punky => time out ping => OK \\punky => can't access \\ => no problems (the NAS is running busybox with samba, but worked well untill few days At my office, we are running a win2k file server, the dhcp is provide by our sdsl router and the dns server are also our provider DNS untill the very same day, no way to connect to the server (local intranet or file sharing) with the name of the computer but still no problem with the IP address (IP adress are the same range/subnetmask) I have no problem browsing internet, therefor I'm not thinking of DNS troubleshooting, I'm more thinkin of a windows name resolving service that is not start or I don't know (As I told, I get some trooble with XP and master browser) Also I don't think it is related to a NIC interface as the problem occur both with wifi and wired connection. (just for the network places, I think windows 7 has deeply increase the network discovery services, as you do, I totally quit the network discovery services for years, but I was positivly surprise with the 7 one!) So I'm still in trouble :(
May 22nd, 2010 5:35pm

your problem is in your TCP/IP config. You are pointing to DNS servers outside on the internet. That is why you could access the internet, but cannot resolve any names on your internal network. Serveurs DNS. . . . . . . . . . . . . : To guarantee that you can resolve internal names, you must use an internal DNS server that hosts a zone with all of your private internal records.Visit my blog:, an IT Knowledge Base.
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May 23rd, 2010 3:27am

Ok, the problem could be solved this way BUT 1* it was working without home dns server 2 days ago and since more than a year (office & home) 2* even if I know how to setup a dns server, there is no way to make 1 at home or at work. 3* it's working like a charm with my other computer at work (I have only 1 computer at home) So I exclude this solution :D I guess I will temporarly point a record in my lmhost but this is not how it is suppose to work so I kind of don't like it... thanks for help anyway The topic is not closed!
May 23rd, 2010 3:49pm

The only explanation of why it was working before was because you were able to resolve the name for the NAS server using another method, possibly via NetBIOS. Possibly some other settings on the network have changed? I am fairly confident that you were not resolving names internally using DNS. Keep in mind that the Windows OS will use a variety of methods to resolve names. Both processes, NetBIOS and DNS, will fall back on each other as a last method for resolution. For example, the Host Name resolution process will use Broadcasts and NetBIOS processes if all of the other DNS processes fail (local DNS cache, HOSTS file, DNS server). Keep us informed if you can collect any other info that may have attributed to this problem. If you use LMHOSTS, that is for NetBIOS name resolution. The HOSTS file is for DNS HostName resolution.Visit my blog:, an IT Knowledge Base.
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May 23rd, 2010 5:49pm

Yep I will keep you inform, I temporarly add the name/ip in the hosts file and it's working, but it's really weird that it stops working...And I don't want to keep on adding new hosts manually! thanks for helping anyway, Jeremie
May 24th, 2010 1:07pm

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