Win7 net use bug ?
Hi, I have a windows cluster files based on dfs. On my Windows XP client, net use was working corretly. But now with Win7 I have trouble: I can map a folder using net use but then I'm unable to create a file in the folder. I have the message " S: refer to a location that is unavailable...." If I try toc reate the file trough the cmd it's working. And If I try to create the file via Windows XP it also working. Any idea ?
May 30th, 2011 7:51am

How does it work if you manually map the folder? Did you map the folder with startup script? If so, I suggest you read the following article. Mapped Network Drives with UAC on Windows Vista remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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June 1st, 2011 6:12am

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