Win7x64 can't find network printer
Win 7x64 has lost sight of my network printer. It was working fine. It works perfectly on my XP machine. The printer has been assigned a fixed IP address and this is reserved by the router so there should not have been a problem. I rebooted my machine and the printer came up with the little yellow triangle. Ran the diagnostic which seems to want to fix the problem by making the printer shared (Garbage) and then proceeds to tell me that the problem shpuld be referred to my network administrator. (That would be me.). Well my network administrator uninstalled the printer, rebooted and reinstalled the printer and it now works fine.Annoyingly the printer tells you which IP address is assigned when it is installing and you don't see this again. I suspect that Win 7x64 has its network nickers twisted
May 15th, 2009 9:40am

Has it worked fine since you reinstalled the printer? If you want an easier way to see the printer IP, leave a comment in the Windows 7 RC comments thread so Microsoft hears about it. -Nick
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June 22nd, 2009 4:16pm

Yes by telling it the printer IP address it finds it and installs the drivers I have since reinstalled RC1 and it now finds the printer with no problem.
June 22nd, 2009 7:23pm

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