Win 7 & download manager in IE8
Why can I not download the RC with IE * ? I keep getting an error message in the download manager. I can download it just fine with Mozilla. Kind of ironic don't you think? Also , the first time i downloaded Win 7, I got the 64 bit version which ran fine except it refused to see my router and connect to the internet. I reinstalled it and then all I got was a white screen. Things were running there somewhere but I could not see them. I have an Acer M1100 athlon 64x2 4 gigs of ram and an ATI x1250 intagrated graphics with 512 mb of ram.Help please ! I really want to run the 64 bit, it was so much faster than the 32 bit version.
May 15th, 2009 11:25pm

A white screen in the 64-bit version only sounds like it may be an incompatibility issue with your drivers. I believe ATI has released new drivers since you first posted. Have you tried upgrading at all, and was it any help? -Nick
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June 19th, 2009 6:36pm

I know it was long time but i have this problem now.. It seem to be in relation with memory. I have same config than you (m1100 , athlon 64x2 4 gig). To use th computer, i have to remove 1 dimm... Do you find solution (i run win 7 64 bit) thanks
March 1st, 2011 11:52pm

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