Win 7 Backup worked great 2x, now fails to read backup files.
While fixing another problem, I've tried repairing a Windows 7-64 Ultimate install 3 times. Once was a simple system restore, didnt fix it. Then a repair, didn't fix it. So a full slash and burn re-install was required.To make life easier I used Win-7's Backup feature for the first time. I custom selected files & saved them on a networked drive. I saved it a few times and went into the folders to be sure they were there. Yes, the file names were there and most of them were split up and compressed. So I now can't just drag and drop thefew that I really want like my Gigantic Outlook .PST files.I point the Restore function to the networked files with names like [Backup Set 2009-11-13 155909] and it complains "Windows was not able to find any backups on \\Server\d\LongPathName\Backup Set 2009-11-13 1555909".So now what? I don't no howbut all of my other files were restored (Pictures, Docs, drawings, etc.). And I just deleted the giant Windows.old file from where everything may have migrated from in the first place. It's not magic, I just don't recall where it came from this time.MY QUESTION is:How do I get RESTORE to recognize the backup files? Moderator, please move this to I really would like help with this. Thank you, Bunny Man
November 15th, 2009 4:17am

Hi Bunny,You can copy themain file Backup Set 2009-11-13 155909 to your desktop and then double cilck it and choose restore.
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November 16th, 2009 9:55am

Hi Bunny,You can select "restore files from another location" to restore your files. Since your machine is re-imaged, the backups will be stored as on different computer.Thanks,S.Soudamini.--This posting is provided "AS IS" without warranties and confers no rights.
November 16th, 2009 9:05pm

Thank you for the replys. I had tried these options as well, but no go. However, when I loaded up WinRar, I was able to see the file directory structure again and found I had multilpe copies of my big Outlook.PST files. The issue still remained that these were not readable by Outlook and I don't no how to open them to be able to re-combine them either.Any other Ideas? How can I make these usable?
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November 18th, 2009 6:15am

Hey,As you can restore other files without problems, only this file that contains .PST files encounter issue, it is likely the backup file was corrupted when windows compressing it during backup. We all know that usually the .PST files are big, that is why they were splited and that increase the danger. WinRar can easilyread it, but as a backup system files, Windows failed to restore it. You can try restore it from another computer to test. If the same result, probably like I said.
November 20th, 2009 5:03am

Hi,Regret for the inconvenience. Can you please elaborate more quickly about your problem?1) Did you use "restore files from another location"?2) Were you able to find the outlook.pst file using search/browse option?3) What was the error message, if any?4) When did you backup these files? (RTM build or Pre-RTM build)?The outlook.pst is saved as a chunk of 200 MB files as per the limitation of Zip software. It has nothing to do with corruption.Please get back to me with details? In least case, I can provide a workaround to get the files back.This posting is provided "AS IS" without warranties and confers no rights.
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December 3rd, 2009 3:10pm

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