Win 7 Ent 64 Core OS disfunctionality
Greetings, I'm having a really tough time with my puter. My main issue is the Sysinternals "Access Denied" issue but I'm thinking that I should be focusing on the "SFC" issue. Dell Precision M6500 Laptop Windows 7 Enterprise x64 (Windows 7 Q47 64bit) 16G Ram 2 - Crucial C300 HD's Sysinternals Process Explorer shows "access denied" issue 2 csrss.exe process and 5 wmiprvse.exe processes are running <access denied> as well as the System process...screen shot attached SFC issue In the journey to solve this I tried to run sfc which fails at 31% and the cbs.log isn't revealing anything to me. While flexing my most valuable IT skill (google) this forum appeared many times so I thought I'd solicit some help...I'm stuck My domain account is in the local admin group, I tried a local account also in the local admin group, i even enabled the local Super Admin account, logged in with it with the same exact results. Seems that win 7 has something horribly shameful and embarrassing hidden under the of those unspeakable family secrets that make no sense period. Sorry, i've been up all night and i cant remember the last time i was this angry.
March 30th, 2011 11:01am

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