Win 7 XP virtual machine has a mapped drive that shows disconnected but still acts connected
I have a Win 7 Enterprise PC with a XP mode PC installed. I have a Windows 2003 R2 SP2 server with a shared folder. I have set up a group policy to map a network drive to the share for the user on the Win 7 PC. Since it is a group policy for the user, the mapping happens to both the Win 7 PC and the XP mode PC. The mapping on the Win 7 PC works fine. On the XP mode PC, the mapped drive shows disconnected but the mapping still shows and when opened displays the contents of the shared drive. I cannot remove the mapping but attempting to with a NET USE /delete command produces: the network connection cannot be found. Ultimately, I want to connect to the mapping so I can configure a FoxPro ODBC driver within the XP virtual machine. As things stand right now, I cannot set up the ODBC driver since it will not recognise the mapping. All the latest patches are installed on both the Win 7 and XP mode PC, including Win 7 SP1. I have tried several things that have been mentioned about this in the forums but so far to no avail.William Fearn
March 14th, 2011 3:12pm

As you may note, I posted the original issue back last November but none of the suggestions fixed the issue. I hope that someone may now have seen this issue as I currently have described it.William Fearn
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March 14th, 2011 4:25pm

I do not think that the mapped drive you see is actually brought by driver mapping in Windows XP Mode. It is just a drive that is shared by your Windows 7 host. For Windows XP Mode, there is no mapped drive. Share Files Between Your Host Machine and XP Mode [How To] Important Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
March 16th, 2011 4:16am

To answer one of your points the mapped drive on the Windows XP mode PC does show up under the Network Drive category and uses the drive letter S:. It is a legitimate drive mapping. Something else is going on. I have done some further research and have found the following cause. The mapped drive itself does not cause the problem. The problem occurs when I create a shortcut to an executable in the mapped network drive on the Windows XP mode PC and then put the shortcut into the All Users/Start Menu folder and then reboot the XP mode PC. Then the disconnected network drive message appears. The creation of the shortcut is not the problem but putting it in the All Users\Start Menu does. When I remove the shortcut from the All Users\Start Menu folder and reboot, the problem goes away. I need to get the shortcut published to the Win 7 PC so that it shows up in the Windows XP Mode Applications folder. The method I described is the only way I know how to get the application published. I also know that Microsoft has described this method of publishing an application that does not use an installation program as being the preferred method to publish such applications from the XP mode PC to the host Win 7 PC. I hope this clarify's the problem for you. I have seen other instances of similar problems but haven't seen a good solution yet. William Fearn
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March 24th, 2011 1:36pm

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