Win 7 network/domain question
Have a domain network with Server 2008 and have 1 win 7 ultamate computer that fell of the domain. When you log in it, you give it the domain creditions and everything looks ok, but the firewall says the domain connection is disconnected, also RDC does not work and the computer does not show up in AD. Have not tried to rejoin the domain on this machine yet as I dd that on one other and lost all current user data, eventhough the username stayed the same. Thanks in advance
October 14th, 2010 9:48am

This is more of a Domain/Server forum question as it sounds like you're having AD replication issues. on the DC try running dcdiag & replmon to see how replication of objects is going and if you're having any failures. Verify your firewall settings. When you say RDC doesn't work, do you mean when you're trying to remotely connect to your DC? if so keep in mind that RDC connections to DC's are disabled by default (I think), you'll have to enable remote access. After confirming replication is functional try the following: 1) Remove the Windows 7 system from the AD domain. 2) Go into the AD Users and Computers on the Domain Controller. Delete the Computer object which corelates to the the Windows 7 System. 3) Re-join the Windows 7 ultimate system to the AD domain. Try accessing.
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October 14th, 2010 10:35am

Thank you, I will give that a try. To maybe try to explain a little better: The computer in question, was on the domain at one point now: when you logon domain\username ---- it appears to work ie you can access domain resources, shared drives etc., but the firewall on the machine show you are connected to the home network not the domain network., you can ping the ip of the computer, but that's it I deleted it from the DC and it does not show up after loging on. Will rejoining the domain mess with any of domain\user settings, this is my wifes puter and she is in class 4 hours a night and I won't have much time to rebuild her information. Thanks
October 14th, 2010 9:47pm

"I deleted it from the DC and it does not show up after loging on." You will have to re-join the sytem to the domain & logon using a domain account for it to appear in the domain again. "you can ping the ip of the computer, but that's it" Verify the DNS entery for this sysem in your DNS Server on presumably the DC. If you can ping it by IP but not my system name then it's likely a name resolution issue in which DNS would be a good spot to check. If after joining the system to the domain and it doesn't get populated in DNS go ahead and create an associated record for the system using the same IP that it's assigned. When you say you cannot RDC, which machines are you using for the source and destination? This is important as I think by default Domain Controllers do not have remote administration allowed, you have to set that manually under computer properties. Additionally, have you tested RDC using the IP address in place of the name? "Will rejoining the domain mess with any of domain\user settings, this is my wifes puter and she is in class 4 hours a night and I won't have much time to rebuild her information." That depends on if you have domain group policies being applied to this system & others which join the domain. If so, then possibly yes, if not, then generally no it wont be much of an issue. Additionally, the question of using a domain for an environment with only one client sounds like a massive overkill. If your sole intention is on sharing access to network resources & little else then this could still be accomplished by using regular shares or Home Groups. KISS sounds applicable.
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October 15th, 2010 12:37pm

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