Windows7 Home aNd Windows7 pro IE8 aNd Firefox crash 10x daily
I have both IE8 and Firefox 3.6.9 and both crash and stop responding 10 times a day minimum - I have Norton 360 Virus and SuperAntiSpyware both reporting zero virus and zero spyware but both browsers are dying at a increasing crash and failure rate. Any ideas on this what may be the root cause problem ? Thanks!
September 13th, 2010 1:42am

Prior to reading your reply I went to get the WDK and developer tools based on some posts on non-Microsoft website and when I got to the page IE8 stopped responding and closed but recovered - While downloading it failed again - While respondig to this response from you it froze again but didnt recover so I am retyping everything - in the event log it is different that vista or xp and it has 2 sectioned showing Intenet Explorer the other Microsoft IE - having three lockups of not respondings there is no data in th event log that I see for IE anyewhere - This is my first time really using the evt logs and seeing th new format so YES I can open it and but no there seems tobe no data there even though in 10 mins it stopped responding 3 times. I am so close to going and buying a redhat book and CD but every version I havehated when released and I Working at Intel Info Tech for many years. We we always early adopters and I get mad now because Microsoft does not where near complete testingbefore releasing but EVERY release they make changes that seem to make no sense or reason like security denter is now action something BUT THE SERVICE IS still sercurity center in many places I have seen - The file run cmd version ago got hidden or moved to aqccesories and no it can even be placed on the status bar - just sill useless no value add changes but another problematic release and no real help - SO FIRST thank you for reply - but I can open the logs immediately after no responding errors and for them to be empty is maddening - As for Norton 360 I always install it immeditely as well as SuperAntispyware - Although Norton has a spyeare scanner Superanti version I use is not real time or per my settings. - Norton 360 is free for me as my ISP gives it - I used Avast once with poor results and I am guessing you are referring to the new microsoft virus offering program security essentials??? What would you do next ? I am also blue screening 2-10 times a day and thi is within 10 minutes of a w7home to w7pro version upgrade. At this point I will try anything- as it is embarasing me a retired IT Intel employee cant fix or get help to fix what I was twice certified in.
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September 14th, 2010 12:59am

I wa a senior IT Integration engineer retired from Intel 2004 previously certified as mcse twice - So I feel Qualified as a early adpotor of windows releases and can easily cite and show many examples of my near despise of Microsoft - I dont care if you havent experienced the problems as it indicates you have no idea what the root cdouse could be - also no where did I indicate running to AV's as norton 360 is my AV and althouh it does a spyware scan non-realtime - SuperAntiSpyware is a better product also set non-realtime. So in answer to PBKAC no I havent heard that acronym - as for being a 7 user I have worked on OS's and hardware prior to even the IBM pc existence and on every stinking version ofwindows released. so It seems you came to pile on and antagonize with no helping info what so ever so - please do me the favor and think about what I listed in fair detail and help - you want captures logs dmp files - config parameters - I 'll get them but as you can see I had 3 IE dumps prior to answering the msg above and there no where to be found in the event logs so whatever you need to help I'll try and it is apprecaited otherwise indication my issues are based on lack of anything is silly and absurd thus furthering my shyt customer experience.
September 14th, 2010 1:16am

"PBKAC" stands for a "Problem Between Keyboard And Chair". An innocent joke, don't be so angry. If you have crash dumps (located in \Windows\minidump, not in any event logs), please upload them to Skydrive or another public storage, so that anyone can have a look at them. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” (Thomas J. Watson, Sr.)
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September 14th, 2010 2:01am

Are you running the 64-bit version of Win7 ?
September 14th, 2010 2:08am

Norton is set to auto update and it is at the latest version and auto updated virus definitions just 1 min ago. Defender is near the worst AV I have seen and do not use it and has been set to disabled 10 minutes after install of Win7. Norton is running Realtime which ran for a year on both Vista32 and Vista64 without even a hiccup. I cringe at the thought of no realtime Virus and since it was flawless in reliability on Vista after a lot of attention and optimzing VISTA as the first day out of the box a gatway I bought with Vista 32 had 1000 failure enties in the Event logs by default install from gateway. The SuperAntipspyware is a spyware only program and it too is no set no realtime - Firewall Win7 Firwall is disabled in favor of norton 360 firewall which also had no Vista issues. I had no Firefox crashes and very few IE for a yr. on vista but both IE8 and Firefox are Crashing repeatedly onWin7 and again crashed half way through this response. Immediately after crash I checked every event log and no IR info exists in the logs having 5 crashes of IE8 in the last hour. I have ZERO Viruses and ZERO Spyware, only 1 AV, 2 spyware both NOT realtime because norton spyware sucks and SuperAnti is probably best anywhere even the freeware version. Ummm - trying to cover all responses in this mail as I really do want a root cause fix, update or repair and I havent located it so I posted I have run every version of windows since 1.0 but never have I upgraded and blue screened and browser deathed daily after any upgrades except win7. San Martin I will get those uploaded after rest of mail here an post location as I just downloaded WDK that helps decipher dmp files. PBKAC - thatsw funny - we used that persons problem only exist between there ears - lol - NANO yes this is Win7 Pro 64 bit but prior was Win7 home 32 bit and both have the exact same problems - again Vista was flawless running same stuff I dunno why I upgraded now. I even had Vista mapping able to 2 XP machines. THANKS and let me know if anything comes to mind as I appreciate the help especially when it fixes this and I wont have to type all this twice as it failed while entering this response and the event log has no data of any IE failures. wow -
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September 14th, 2010 3:04am

Anyone have an sure fire answer here as these all or issues not new to me and on google all return folks struggling with the same things.
September 14th, 2010 11:21am

IE8 hangs are typically related to third-party add-ons or third party applications. Also, Win 7 64-bit provides two IE8-32 and 64-bit. Flash player only supports 32-bit. Java requires an installation for each browser. Some toolbars can cause the problem. Check your add-ons. Disable one at a time and test. Have you removed SuperAntiSpyware and observed the behavior? I still can't help thinking it's conflicting with Norton. Real-time or not, it has anti-hijack hooks in the browser. Or perhaps turning on real-time will alllow it's advertised ability to work other AV programs work properly and not hang the browser. According to their website, it's designed that way. You are at the point where some elimination is necessary to rule out the add-ons and third party apps. The fact that there are no Event Viewer reports confirms it's not a system issue, but something not playing nicely with IE8. Have you tried the Troubleshooter from the Action Center? or this automated fix-it? Why google when you can search the TechNet forums? You'll see that this issue (IE8 hangs or freezes) is not typically an operating system problem, but some application or add-on. The 64-bit OS only adds to the fun. The 64-bit world is still not up to speed as one is led to believe for home and small business users. For instance, the Super Duper Anti-Spyware download page has multiple updates since 4/2010 to address 64-bit issues. Norton 360 is not the sharpest product either. The sure fire answer is the PBKAC. It starts with the OS installation, configuration, drivers and then third party products installed. :-)
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September 14th, 2010 12:10pm

IE8 hangs are typically related to third-party add-ons or third party applications. You ARE repeating what microsoft posts. Fact is I have not added any add-ons so if they are there they were part of the installation - are you suggestion the the default install puts 3rd party add-ons that cause crashes by default? Does Microsoft wver validate an add-on as Google and Firefox eventually do? Also, Win 7 64-bit provides two IE8-32 and 64-bit. Flash player only supports 32-bit. Java requires an installation for each browser. Some toolbars can cause the problem. Check your add-ons. Disable one at a time and test. oI dont understand that disabling even the Abode Flash add on will make 50% or more site pretty much un-useable so if an add on is there is it not peirmarily because it is needed? Have you removed SuperAntiSpyware and observed the behavior? why would I remove it a non - realtime spyware scanner? what does that acomplish and show that a non service or memory loading driver spy scanner sitting idle doing nothing be removed. seems as logical as aking me to delete a notepad txt file. what is the reason for removing and how can it possibly be a part of problems. google these problems and look hoe many people are having them - then technet and you get a all okay feeling which is misrepresenting the real world experience. IE8 hangs are typically related to third-party add-ons or third party applications. You ARE repeating what microsoft posts. Fact is I have not added any add-ons so if they are there they were part of the installation - are you suggestion the the default install puts 3rd party add-ons that cause crashes by default? Does Microsoft wver validate an add-on as Google and Firefox eventually do? Also, Win 7 64-bit provides two IE8-32 and 64-bit. Flash player only supports 32-bit. Java requires an installation for each browser. Some toolbars can cause the problem. Check your add-ons. Disable one at a time and test. oI dont understand that disabling even the Abode Flash add on will make 50% or more site pretty much un-useable so if an add on is there is it not peirmarily because it is needed? Have you removed SuperAntiSpyware and observed the behavior? Why remove non-realtime program that does nothing until manually run? I still can't help thinking it's conflicting with Norton. if norton had no issues on vista 32 and 64 what is lending thought it is a issue with win7 ?Real-time or not, it has anti-hijack hooks in the browser. Or perhaps turning on real-time will alllow it's advertised ability to work other AV programs work properly and not hang the browser. According to their website, it's designed that way. You are at the point where some elimination is necessary to rule out the add-ons and third party apps. The fact that there are no Event Viewer reports confirms it's not a system issue, but something not playing nicely with IE8.the reliability reports all show bsod and browser crashes - also within the ie8 crashes - The review problems report shows all the summary of failures, dates and sent to microsoft with not solutions available . as for why they are not in the event view beats me- are they suppoose go there? if there not then there is just another problem. Have you tried the Troubleshooter from the Action Center? or this automated fix-it? the troubleshooter runs and has never found anything regarding bsod and browswer crashes it does identify another issues that I have other posts on regarding performance problems with wudfrd.sys used by the driver foundation service. Also a USB driver hanging but not solutions for troubleshooter reporting those eother. Why google when you can search the TechNet forums? nGoogle will give you an unbiased influenced idea based on sheer numbers of posts regarding issues and I do use technet but there are no root cause and solution process steps posted that work. Is that not a good reason?You'll see that this issue (IE8 hangs or freezes) is not typically an operating system problem, but some application or add-on. The 64-bit OS only adds to the fun. The 64-bit world is still not up to speed as one is led to believe for home and small business users. For instance, the Super Duper Anti-Spyware download page has multiple updates since 4/2010 to address 64-bit issues. Norton 360 is not the sharpest product either. oYour opinions are simply whatever - so what do you use to VIRUS scan with and why and is it realtime or not? and I have the lastest version of you snide comment of spyware scanner so my question to you is what are you using for spyware eradication? The sure fire answer is the PBKAC. It starts with the OS installation, configuration, drivers and then third party products installed. :-) It wild be nice to hear you comments or responses to my answers to your thoughts not based on having the experiences yet you keep asking questions regarding a config that never had issues with VISTA32 or 64 so why win7. No issues same software on Vista usd on Win7 indicates to me its win7 issues not 2 lousy programs and a add on that again I repeat all worked on vista so why not win7 I still can't help thinking it's conflicting with Norton. Real-time or not, it has anti-hijack hooks in the browser. Or perhaps turning on real-time will alllow it's advertised ability to work other AV programs work properly and not hang the browser. According to their website, it's designed that way. oI have had norton set to no realtime for over 24 hours and had 2 bsod and 4-5 browser stop responding crashes. I will leave norton non- real-time for another day but it shows clearly realtime or not it isnt the root cause. You are at the point where some elimination is necessary to rule out the add-ons and third party apps.I cant follow your logic on programs that worked near flawlessly on vista not working on win7 that it is then the application rather than the win7 - would you mind sharing a list of add-on your using if any? The fact that there are no Event Viewer reports confirms it's not a system issue, but something not playing nicely with IE8. Have you tried the Troubleshooter from the Action Center? or this automated fix-it? Why google when you can search the TechNet forums? You'll see that this issue (IE8 hangs or freezes) is not typically an operating system problem, but some application or add-on. The 64-bit OS only adds to the fun. The 64-bit world is still not up to speed as one is led to believe for home and small business users. For instance, the Super Duper Anti-Spyware download page has multiple updates since 4/2010 to address 64-bit issues. Norton 360 is not the sharpest product either. The sure fire answer is the PBKAC. It starts with the OS installation, configuration, drivers and then third party products installed. :-)
September 14th, 2010 1:03pm

"As for Norton 360 I always install it immeditely as well as SuperAntispyware" Right, so it begs the obvious question, which I originally asked, was this issue occuring prior to installing either Norton or SuperAntiSpyware? If no, then I think we're on to something... For safe measure, it would also help to rule out 3rd party drivers by running the system in Safe mode nad operating for a while ot determine if it's having issues in that mode as well. If you determine the root cause(s) with the application incompatibility, then you will have succesfully answered your own post. "What would you do next ?" Checking Event Viewer logs, & and analyzing the memory dump upon each reboot. You could use a tool like dbgview.exe, from Sysinternals, and Debug Tools (dbg_x86_6.11.1.404.msi) from MS to get an idea of what is going on. "within 10 minutes of a w7home to w7pro version" To ensure you're not having issues with the upgrade, try instead to perform a clean install of whichever verison you're looking to use and install the applications from there on while testing for compatibillity.
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September 14th, 2010 5:26pm

“You ARE repeating what microsoft posts. Fact is I have not added any add-ons so if they are there they were part of the installation - are you suggestion the the default install puts 3rd party add-ons that cause crashes by default? Firefox IS a third party application. Norton 360 IS a third party application. Super Duper AntiSpyware IS a third party application. MS does testing for application compatibility, however, as mentioned numerous times not all anti-malware programs play well together. I would try removing each and testing system stability, at least to rule it or them both out. And yes, many/most anti-virus & anti-malware products by default install browser add-ons to prevent hijacking & browser drive by’s. Look at AVG for instance… Also, MS recommends performing a clean install to rule out compatibility issues users may have, as old configuration can rarely lead to issues. These are just the very basics & you have yet to date tested either of these, I would suggest trying those steps and then if the issue is still occurring looking at logs, dumps and so forth. “Does Microsoft wver validate an add-on as Google and Firefox eventually do?” If by validate you mean they require that they’re digitally vendor signed, yes. But just b/c it’s digitally signed doesn’t mean it will play nice with all the other 3<sup>rd</sup> part applications out there. “oI dont understand that disabling even the Abode Flash add on will make 50% or more site pretty much un-useable so if an add on is there is it not peirmarily because it is needed?” He’s offering advice on how to rule out the issue, try it at least. He said to disable the add-ons related to your antivirus and superspyware, as they many times have Add-On’s for browsers….Besides, if disabling some adobe flash makes certain graphics on a page non-rendered, that is still far better than an unstable browser which closes after 10 min of use, no? “Why would I remove it a non - realtime spyware scanner? what does that acomplish and show that a non service or memory loading driver spy scanner sitting idle doing nothing be removed. seems as logical as aking me to delete a notepad txt file.” 3 different people suggested that you should at least try removing them to determine if they’re part of the culprit, as it’s a known issue that they might not be compatible together or running along with a browser together. At the very least to rule them out. “what is the reason for removing and how can it possibly be a part of problems.” Nano went over this already. IE has both 32 and 64 bit, & some applications play nice in one, but not the other. While many anti malware and anti virus applications have browser add-on’s which also don’t work very well especially when they’re competing over the same page. “google these problems and look hoe many people are having them - then technet and you get a all okay feeling which is misrepresenting the real world experience.” ‘IE8 & Firefox crashing on the same system’ is quite ambiguous, there could any number of causes, but the most common/likely are add-ons which don’t play nice with the browser. If a person told me they’re having this issue and they have multiple malware protection running, which commonly uses add-on hooks for browsers, then the logical next step would be to disable those add ons or remove the spyware & AV protection to see how it reacts. “the reliability reports all show bsod and browser crashes - also within the ie8 crashes - The review problems report shows all the summary of failures, dates and sent to microsoft with not solutions available.“ I mentioned using the reliability report to get a macro view for which system changes and application installs that which preceded the issues you’re having. There might not be solutions available b/c it’s not a MS OS issue, or they’re not knowledgeable about the issue. “nGoogle will give you an unbiased influenced idea based on sheer numbers of posts regarding issues and I do use technet but there are no root cause and solution process steps posted that work. Is that not a good reason?” Unbiased, you mean the ones which pay money to increase the likelihood of being at the top of indexed search results? I guess Google isn’t being biased there, I guess. ”I cant follow your logic on programs that worked near flawlessly on vista not working on win7 that it is then the application rather than the win7” Vista is a different Kernel than Windows 7. Never mind the fact that you upgraded from Home to Pro, instead of performing a clean install, leaves many possible causes.
September 14th, 2010 6:39pm

I find you rude and it offends me and completely part of the problem never offering a solutions that ends a problem or step ensuing process Its a shame you get credits for simply forwarding quotes or links ---- I am not here to test and debuug what was working just week or so ago on VISTA you you jerk I did not go from home to pro before backing to Vista so you make assumptions then act like I am an IDIOT not having done it the way you depict with disk and backups cause there was something I wanted that I forgot - FYI - norton has been disable 40 hour and your screwy name if likey the best spyware scanner I use has been uninstalled for 6-7 hours. I have had 4 BSOD and ALL add-ons off for 6-8 hour and 5 browser stops. It WILL benefit YOU AND others by not sending them on GOOSE hunts because you think but havent done it unless you see RAVE thanks and attaboys everywhere in the link send or thoughts you have without exerienceing and see it you a preliferation of hearsay. You linked me and everything I tried even in disgreement from you DID NOT WORK. I wont be posting here anyway becuase anyone can offer any info and not be acountable for 100 wrong and 1 right. You likely hate my nickname or something because your presumptions with a snide remarks are easy to read to me but your help was completely invisable cause there was none resulting in a fix. 28 years at intel retired in 04 and always as a early adopter of microsoft everything and I know I have forgotten more than you will know about support so go do something else! but not to me. do not bark at my posts unless you see something GLARING and BLATENT mis-informing, misleading or flat out is wrong because I am asking you to leave me alone.
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September 15th, 2010 12:33am

OK. Sorry your issue could not be resolved. One final thought...if you are downloading the Windows 7 .iso file and creating an installation disk, then perhaps the installation media is corrupt. I propose this because you mentioned that the issue, and many others that you have posted, appeared almost immediately. Best Regards and wishes for a stable system.
September 15th, 2010 6:08am

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