Windows 7 - findings computers on other VLANS
In Windows XP, I could search for computers on other VLANS and was able to find them by IP address. Do we have this same capability in Windows 7 Pro? I have 35 different VLANS in my current situation with mostly XP machines and I am using Windows 7.
October 12th, 2010 4:14pm

To start, I believe that you'll need the Windows 7 client to have the Computer Browser service running. Starting with Vista, then 2008, it was set to manual/disabled. Windows 7 should have it set to manual.Visit:, an IT Knowledge Base.
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October 12th, 2010 4:38pm

I do have that service running. I was able to search for computers using the search tool in XP. I do not see that tool available in 7. Was it removed or is it located somewhere else? Thanks!!
October 15th, 2010 1:12pm

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