Windows 7 - run logon scripts synchronously problem
Hey Guys, iam having a problem. We`re ready to deploy win7. Our loginscript works like a charm with the wsf solution from MS , it runs when login to the computer and mappings are made, printers installed etc. Our problem is our Group Policy`s. We use the computer policy "run logon scripts synchronously" and "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" On our XP machines both policy`s work perfect but on our windows 7 machines the computer shows the desktop and then starts the loginscript. What we want is finish the loginscript before the desktop is shown, like it works wth XP. We use windows 7 pro with UAC enabled, with UAC disabled the group policy`s work perfect and the desktop pops up when the loginscript is finished. Do u guys have any feedback on this, i`ve been searching everything but can`t find the solution (except for disabable UAC what we don`t want to do)
November 4th, 2010 11:29am

I'm glad to see that it's not only us who are having this issue. With nobody else out there reporting problems with this feature, I figured there had to be something we were not doing or are doing wrong. We have been struggling with this exact same issue non-stop for about a month now as we prepare to deploy Windows 7. This has been exhibited in 3 separate domains here: our Development, QA, and Production domains. Like bassie2009, we are using the GPO settings "run logon scripts synchronously" and "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" and also have ""loopback policy"=enabled, in domains that are operating at 2003 functionality level. Also, like bassie2009 this feature works in XP Pro with SP3 and current updates, but not against Windows 7 Enterprise. This TechNet article describes changes made to the processing behavior of starup and logon scripts beginning with Vista and lists a handful of registry entries that should make the processing of GPO scripts run synchronously. We have tried shoving the HKLM values into test machines at deployment time and have verfied their presence, this helped the way startup scripts are being processed as it waited for scripts to process before logon was presented, but logon scripts still processed after the desktop was presented. In addition we have a ticket open with Microsoft about this issue. According to MS this setting needs to get into the registry settings in order for the logon script to run correctly at first logon: Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System ValueName: RunLogonScriptSync set to 1 Obviously it would require a second logon for this to take effect. If profiles aren't being saved on machines thought as is the case since we support a lot of public computing areas, this won't help. We did however, try shoving this into HKEY_USERS\.default but it didn't have the desired effect. We are still waiting on what other solution(s) they may have. Bassie2009, if you have any more info on how you are disabling UAC and getting scripts to run synchronously during logon, we'd like to hear it. We currently have UAC disabled through GPO, and it has been verified as disabled on test machines, but GPO scripts still do not process synchronously. If anyone else has any insight on this we'd be appreciative. Thanks.
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November 5th, 2010 12:26pm

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