Windows 7 Backup Compression
I'm running windows 7 pro, and am interested in using the win7 backup feature. My only caveat is the compression that will be used. I see no information on how I can specify the compression scheme of the backup like on other programs (ex. max. compression, normal compression). So mu question is... if anyone knows.... What kind of compression does the windows 7 backup program use? Does it always use the maximum compression? What compression rate can I generally expect (assuming a normal file - I'm quite aware that depending on the individual file it will get compressed only a certain amount)? Thanks, Dan
September 4th, 2009 3:54pm

I ran some test backups. I boldlyplaced some files on my desktop and set it to back up my desktop only. It made a backup set with compressed .zip archives and data files. The .zip file with the test folderwas 25.4 megabytes and the testfolder was 39.8 megabytes. There is no way to set the compression level and I believe it is maximum or normal for .zip archives. You need uncompressed files to solve the ratio.Duck.
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September 4th, 2009 11:38pm

Hi,Thanks for trying Windows backup. Windows backup compresses compressible files (file typesthat are not alreadycompressed, ex: .txt)to an optimal/maximum level of compression. Already compressed file formats like .zip, .jpeg are not attempted to be compressed further. There is no provision for the user to specify the compression level to be applied. Hope this clarifies.Thanks,Sneha[MSFT]
September 7th, 2009 4:41pm

Hi Sneha, A few years ago I purchased the Microsoft Arcade game package that comes with a number of game boards. I was wondering if it will safely run in Windows 7 32 bit, and also Windows 7 64 bit. There is no mention on the MS Arcade web page about any operating systems above XP. Thanks! Jerry G.
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September 26th, 2010 9:18pm

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