Windows 7 Backup and Restore is not seeing all partitions of my hard drive ...
I want to use Windows 7's Backup and Restore functionality to create a backup system image which backs up ALL partitions on my computer. Currently I have 4 partitions on my system (with their specifics given as well, which were taken from Disk Management). They appear in this order in Disk Management as well (optical drives are not shown): Recovery Partition --> no volume name mentioned, no file system mentioned, no drive letter assigned, Status: Healthy (Recovery Partition) C: --> Contains Windows 7, Status: Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Logical Drive) D: --> Contains Windows XP (as a backup OS), Status: Healthy (Logical Drive) System Reserved --> no drive letter assigned, Status: Health (System, Active, Primary Partition) My problem is Backup and Restore doesn't list the very first Recovery Partition is being one of the partitions it can include in a system image .. Only the last 3 partitions are shown .. How can I make Backup and Restore also include the very first Recovery partition in its system image as well .. ?? Also, I went ahead an made a system image just to check how many VHDs were made, just in case a VHD was made for the Recovery partition as well .. Its wasnt .. Only three VHDs were made for the last 3 partitions listed above ..
March 19th, 2011 11:28pm

Backup needs a disk > 1.5x the drive(s) being backed up.My MVP is for the Windows Desktop Experience, i.e. Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 IT Remote Assistance is available for a fee. I am best with C++ and I am learning C# using Visual Studio 2010 Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Hardcore Games | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
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March 20th, 2011 12:01am

Backup needs a disk > 1.5x the drive(s) being backed up. My MVP is for the Windows Desktop Experience, i.e. Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 IT Remote Assistance is available for a fee. I am best with C++ and I am learning C# using Visual Studio 2010 Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Hardcore Games | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews Well the hard drive I want to back up is 320 GB in total, but only the core OS's are installed at this stage, So effectively the total space being taken up across all partitions is only about 25 GB .. The drive I want to put the backup on is 1TB, but has a free capacity of about 100 GB ... Plus, if space was an issue, I would assume the program would say that there's not enough space ... To simply not show a partition just because the target drive doesn't have enough space seems silly ..
March 20th, 2011 12:20am

Hi, Would you please let me know which partitions have been showed? Is System Reserved included? Generally, the partition with no letter won't show in Backup and Restore list. In addition, if you choose D drive as your backup location, you cannot back up the files from D drive. A system image only includes the drives required for Windows to run. It won't make a full image of all hard drive. If you want to back up all of them, you can create a system image manually after the backup. Best Regards, NikiPlease remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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March 22nd, 2011 6:04am

Your 1 TB disk needs to be cleaned up to have more space for the backup software to work properly. My MVP is for the Windows Desktop Experience, i.e. Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 IT Remote Assistance is available for a fee. I am best with C++ and I am learning C# using Visual Studio 2010 Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Hardcore Games | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
March 23rd, 2011 2:56pm

Use backup System Image in the upper left hand Corner. It will ask if there are other partitions you want to back up. Renee Not a C officianado
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March 23rd, 2011 8:52pm

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