Windows 7 Enterprise x64 SP1 installation - error code c0000034
We received error on almost all x64 machine "fatal error c0000034 applying update operation " after Win7 SP1 was approved in WSUS. Is there official Microsoft report on this? How to solve it? We have 30-40 engineering workstations running x64 and 90% of them are down because of this. To make things worst, on test deployment all went ok...
March 14th, 2011 5:11am

Hi, thanks for Kb. First try looks promising... Reason for this error is still unknown? What a bull***...
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March 14th, 2011 6:23am

Win 7 Pro x64 We unleased SP1 yesterday via WSUS and the **** hit the fan. Nearly 100% failure. The fix for us was found here: We had previously tested SP1 via manual install on several machines with no problems at all. Would like to know why WSUS delivery of the service pack is such a massive fail.
March 15th, 2011 2:56pm

Recently there was an issue where Win7 sp1 was put on WSUS and then due to default settings in SBS, it was automatically applied. Depending on if it was installed with other updates, in some cases it failed miserably leaving you with a "C34" error (see blogs below for references). Many of you then googled and found references to editing the pending.xml file which got you immediately back in business, but put the system in what is now called a 'torn' state, i.e. 1/2 rtm, 1/2 sp1. To get a feel of the true impact I'd like to find out the following. Can you please email me at with the following information? How many PCs under your control were impacted? How many MS support cases did you open? Thank you in advance for this info.
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March 25th, 2011 9:41am

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