Windows 7 Error and Mirror help.
Windows 7 doesnt boot at all after unexpected shutdown. Nor safe mode or repair. Applies To: Windows | Windows 7 | System Repair and Recovery Norton told me about Disk optimizing and I ignored (for a week). It told me (yasterday) about a restart and I ignored to 24hours (postponed). After 2 hrs the PC shutdown and when I turned it on it didnt get past the windows animated logo (just when it finishes). It just restarts. For Safe mode: cant get to login just restarts after drivers are loaded. stops at bhi.something . For repair there are no erros (as it says). I tried to use disable auto restart and it displayed: VOLMGRX_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x00000058 (on the BSOD). I'n on windows 7 Professional 64x Luckily I had my secondary (mirror) plex which booted in 30 secs succesfully, (Usual plex takes 2.5 mins to start). My 2 queistions are: 1- How to fix the primary? I have two HDD primary 500GB and Secondary 500GB (the primary is my normal and secondary is my mirror) NOTE: each is a different hard disk. 2-Why secondary plex took only 30 sec while normal takes 2.5 mins?
May 30th, 2011 8:04am

It seems that the system drive cannot be loaded. It should be a driver issue. I suggest you refer the following article to resolve this issue. Resolving stop (blue screen) errors in Windows 7 Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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June 1st, 2011 4:52am

actually I cant access the pc except for the mirror, any changes in mirror doesnt occur to primary so I did restore and lead me to the begginning again
June 2nd, 2011 4:46pm

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