Windows 7 FPS online game problem
I downloaded windows 7 pro recently, after i had windows vista... I have toshiba Satellite L305-S5934, 32-bit system, windows 7 pro THE ISSUE IS: While playing online games (i mean Fps online game) my ping spikes i mean its high and stay that way..... it just go back as it originally should be when i turn my sound drive off. It originally should be 60-70 >> it become 130-200 (Didn't had the problem when i had windows vista) i actually tried downloading windows 7 on 2 other laptops... and it seem that the game worked fine there... the problem seem with my computer and windows 7... (the computers that i tried it on are, one is toshiba, and the other is HP) I tried to reinstall windows 7 on my computer, maybe some error in installation, but the problem remained. I tried all the sound drivers available, including the beta one's from Realtek official web, and toshiba web: , and , and it didn't work. I tried running the game on compatibility mode, it didn't work either. It's like i tried all kind of options..... but nothing seem to work (the only thing that worked is turning off my sound drive, it fixed the ping. but i would have to play without sound) pls help ............................................................... Note that this problem might not even be Sound drive related, there might be other problem causing it, pls help. For instance: the Hadi--PC even though i troubleshoot, it doesn't fix the problem.
October 1st, 2010 7:23pm

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