Windows 7 FTP Server - Firewall glitch?
I've installed IIS and the FTP feature on a Windows 7 computer, and configured a default FTP site on it.With that minimal configuration, trying to connect into it from an FTP client on Windows Server 2008 R2 is failing.The Windows 7 firewall seems to be blocking the incoming connection. I turned on all 3 Windows Firewall with Advanced Security rules, which should enable the connection. Still no luck.I disabled the inbound rules entirely, and the connection worked! So it seems that the Win7 firewall rules aren't adequate to allow Windows' own FTP client to connect?I re-enabled the firewall, and created my own inbound rule that enables port 21 from any IP, and that worked! The only difference I can see between my rule and the default rule 'FTP Server (FTP Traffic-In)' is that the built in rule is tied to the execution of SVCHOST.EXE, and specifically, the use of the Microsoft FTP Service (FTPSVC). I used a net stop FTPSVC and net start FTPSVC to verify that there is a running service with that name (although I don't know where it appears in the Services window).Why do the default Windows 7 firewall rules fail to allow a Windows FTP client to connect to the Windows FTP server? UPDATE: I tried it in reverse order - Windows 7 FTP Client, Windows Server 2008 R2 FTP Server - Same results.
April 16th, 2010 10:41pm

Hi, Regarding how to configure firewall for FTP service, please refer to: Configuring FTP Firewall Settings Hope this helps. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
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April 22nd, 2010 12:21pm

Same thing happens to me... I'm very confused... If this was helpful, please vote by clicking the green triangle. If it solves the issue, click Propose as Answer. Thanks!
October 27th, 2010 11:23pm

I was able to get some success by creating a windows firewall outbound rule allowing all ports to the specific IP address of the FTP server. The first connection fails, but subsequent attempts are successful. Anyone have a solution?
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January 3rd, 2011 3:52pm

I finally tracked this issue down. It was an issue with windows routing ftp across the storage network instead of the production network. Discovered this when doing a route print. I manually created the correct routes and things are operational.
January 19th, 2011 2:44pm

I was successful by doing this: Win7 --Open firewall advanced security --Inbound rules (new rule) --Select Predefined rule called "ftp server". It said it already existed but I ignored it. --Allow FTP Passive, FTP Secure and FTP. --This solved my scan problem. I tried running the command prompt entries shown here: Configuring FTP Firewall Settings ... it didn't help. I hope this helps.
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June 22nd, 2011 12:28pm

Nice! I'll have to try it. Thank you! Mike
June 22nd, 2011 12:37pm

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