Windows 7 ISO Corrupted - Problems during installation process.
As a Action Pack Subscriber, I've download the Windows 7 Professional 64bits ISO andI'm facing problems with thewindows installation process. It looks like id the ISO is corrupted. I burnt DVD and even used USB Pen drives to install or copy the installation files. Although I made all I could, I always get error code 0x80070570 during install. Is there any problem with the ISO? I tryed the Windows 7 Ultimate and got problems burning the DVD.TIAohca
November 3rd, 2009 4:06pm

Hi ohca click the link having similar thread you need to burn DVD under 1x,2x speed ,after completion run CRC check utility to prevent this from the happening problem Hope it Helps NIKHIL
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November 3rd, 2009 8:09pm

Hi Ohca, I would like to share following infomation with you: Error 0x80070570: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable. This issue mostly is caused by corrupted ISO. as you memtioned the same issue occurs when trying to install Ultimate, I suspect there is a issue with your download tool or harddisk. Could you please try to download the ISO file on another computer and burn it?Hope it helps. Thanks.
November 4th, 2009 9:29am

I downloaded the file in two different computers and the problem persists. Manager provided by Microsoft reports the ISO is corrupted as download finishs.I burnt the DVD in2x. I'm gonna try to install the Windows 7 using a VM to confirme if the ISO is Ok. I tried to copy the iso files to a partition in my HD and make it bootable, but the installer did not worked as well. I think it is better to order a media, it's easier!! :)Thanks a bunch!ohca
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November 5th, 2009 7:21pm

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