Windows 7 Mapped Drives causing Account Lockout
I have found a bug in Windows 7 and the way it works with mapped drives that use a different account. So the case I have is as follows. I build the OS and install all software using the local account. In doing so, I map the drives using my domain account and password at the time. (Ok, yes, I see a few easy work arounds but they don't solve the problem, just avoid it). Anyway, if at a later time I log back into the PC using the local admin account after I have changed the password on my domain account, the Windows 7 process to reattach those drives using my domain account results in a locked out account. I have 5 mapped drives to which it attempts connections so under our policies, it is pretty much instant. The eventlogs on the DC show a consistent attempt to reconnect every 5 minutes. But never in any of this does Windows 7 stop and say the account is locked out or that the authentication failed then ask, as it should, for a different password to attempt connection. I even disconnect the mapped drives and it still attempts to connect or something and cause a lockout on my account. So the problem is 1. that it does not prompt for a different password on reconnect if the first attempt to authenticate fails and 2. that even after being disconnected, it is attempting some kind of connection that results again in a lockout. Like I said, I can change behavior to avoid this going forward, but it does not address the issue of bad programming on MSFT's part for the way Windows behaves. has anyone else seen this and most importantly, does anyone know if it has been fixed?
May 10th, 2012 11:08am

This article may help you resolve the problem Regards Milos
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May 10th, 2012 1:11pm

Cached credentials play the role. Disable cached credentials. Regards Milos
May 14th, 2012 3:40am

Hi, Based on my research, please try the following: 1. Remove all mapped drives. 2. Un-share all shared folders. 3. Uninstall all network printers. After that, please contact you network administrator to unlock your account and see if the issue will re-occur. Hope this helps. Jeremy Wu TechNet Community Support
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May 14th, 2012 5:50am

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